" Of course it's good to have things to look forward to. It's good to have goals in front of you. But don't put your life on hold until those things happen. Enjoy each day along the way...Some spend their whole lives trying reach a goal, only to find out it's not what it was all cracked up to be. My friend, the real joy is in the simple things. It's in being with your family, getting up early and seeing the sunrise, taking a walk through the park, taking your daughter to lunch, going on a bike ride with your spouse. Of course, the goals and accomplishments bring us satisfaction, but they are only temporary." - Joel Osteen
It is true that in life the journey is more important than reaching goals. Many people who are very goal/success/money oriented forget this. They want to achieve what they want to achieve without considering how they are living their lives to get there. Think about Scrooge from The Christmas Carol.
I would have been much further ahead in many areas, if I maintained laser focus on my goals and ignored the other roles I play in my life such as mother, sister, friend, etc. I actually was going for my goals at full speed when I realized that if I had achieved all of my external goals, but the cost was not being there for my son and as a result he ended up with a bunch of issues, I would never have forgiven myself. This would not mean success to me at all.
There are people who sacrifice their families in order to get a promotion or pursue their career goals. They may or may not achieve the goals, but will lose their spouse and children if not physically, emotionally for sure. See the movie The Descendants for an example of this scenario.
Others pursue weight loss goals abusing their bodies and ignoring their real needs. They sacrifice so much in order to be thin, not understanding that how they got there determines if they will be able to stay thin and at the same time be healthy, mind, body and soul.
Some ignore their self-care pursuing goals and then end up so ill they can't even take care of basic needs, much less meet their desires. You need to put self-care first in order to accomplish what you are meant to accomplish in this lifetime.
While I recommend that you set goals, I also encourage you not sacrifice your self-care, and the people and things that are truly important to you. Sometimes we do not realize how important people are to us until it's too late. Don't let this happen to you.
My thinking is, "What is the point of achieving a goal if you end up alone and not enjoying your journey along the way?" Enjoy the journey. Live life fully. Make sure people know how much they mean to you and that you love them. In the end we do not take anything with us, but our memories and do not leave anything behind, but our love. A Rabbi once wrote that he has never encountered a person on their deathbed who regretted not spending more time at the office. Keep this mind.
"I've talked to many people who have made it to the top in their fields. The one common regret I hear is that they succeeded, but at the expense of their families...Slow down and enjoy the journey right now. Take time for people God has placed in your life. They wont always be there. The Scripture says in James 4:14 that our lives are like mist. We're here for a moment and then we're gone."
-Joel Osteen
"We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world." - Marianne Williamson
Monday, April 23, 2012
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Booty Calls
"You gals out there who still think booty calls are the sign of feminism:they're more like the booby prize of feminism. Because booty calls aren't a positive way to embrace your sexuality. They are negative expressions of your low self-esteem. When women ask me how they can turn a booty call into a romantic relationship, I tell them they can't because it's probably too late. If their 'relationship' started in the bedroom it's likely it will end there too. If the message you're giving with your behavior is a one night stand and cheap sex, that's all you will get. Saying no to the booty call is the ultimate way to show yourself and the men you're looking to date that you have self-respect."- Patti Novak, professional matchmaker and author Get Over Yourself!
I chose to write about this topic today because it concerns me how many women are still okay with one night stands, booty calls, and sex without commitment. The following are reasons why booty calls are not the way to go.
See related posts: Don't Confuse Lust With Love 10/26/11; The Truth About Sex 1/14/12.
I chose to write about this topic today because it concerns me how many women are still okay with one night stands, booty calls, and sex without commitment. The following are reasons why booty calls are not the way to go.
- Instead of seeing that low self-esteem is the reason you seek out cheap sex, you sleep around which will only damage your self-esteem further.
- To men sex is just sex. There are actually men who do not even have to find you attractive in order to have sex with you. So don't be flattered if a dude wants to have sex with you. Women on the other hand tend to become attached because of a chemical called oxytocin (check it out on the web).
- Any possibility of being in a committed relationship with the person you are participating in booty call behavior with is diminished if not eliminated completely. Because he now sees you as cheap and easy and most healthy men would walk away (after the sex that is).
- Cristian Carter, a male expert on dating, has an article on catchhimandkeephim.com in which a woman wrote to him asking how she could turn a sexual relationship she is having with a man into an exclusive relationship. His response was, "You can't". He said that it seems that many women have sex with men without commitment thinking that the sex will push the men into exclusivity. According to Cristian, a healthy man himself, cheap sex only damages the chances of commitment. He also mentioned that on a rare occasion if the guy is a good guy he may come back after some time, if he felt some love/deep affection prior to the sex, but it is a huge gamble. Most men would not come back if you want to change the booty calls into exclusivity. He will just go to someone else for the booty calls since there are so many women readily willing to sacrifice their self-esteem for a dude and participate in casual sex.
- Another reason women engage in booty calls is that they are afraid if they stop the man will leave. Know that this is your low self-esteem talking, telling you that you can't get someone else who is actually worthy of you. He will leave you anyway, once he is lusting over someone else or finds "The One" whichever comes first.
- Women who have low self-esteem think that the only way to keep a man is to have sex with him. That is bullshit. If a man really likes you he will wait as long as it takes in order to have sex with you. In fact, I have a friend who has been been happily married for eighteen years. Her husband did not even get a kiss for a year while they were dating exclusively. If you are still not convinced, read Steve Harvey's book, Think Like a Man, Act Like a Lady, in which he assures you that if a man likes you he can wait for sex until you are dating exlusively and you are ready emotionally, mentally, spiritually and not just physically. He also tells women not be stupid in falling for the idiot men who say. "I will just get it somewhere else then." Steve's says your response should be, "Please do", and go on to find the one who deserves your "goods".
See related posts: Don't Confuse Lust With Love 10/26/11; The Truth About Sex 1/14/12.
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Mistakes Are Part Of Life
Why fear failure? Every mistake imparts gifts and lessons, each lesson leads to wisdom, and every failure to new achievement. Failures and mistakes are the rungs on the ladder to your potential. If you never fail, you haven't picked grand enough goals.
-Dan Millman, author of Peaceful Warrior
We have all made many mistakes and we are all doing the best we could with the awareness, knowledge and wisdom we have at the present time. Sometimes when I remember some of my past mistakes I cringe. Thinking that if I just would have known then what I know now.
One of the reasons I am so passionate about my work is that I get to help people and prevent them from wasting years making the same mistakes that I have made.
I am proactive with life challenges now. Instead of putting blame on other people or circumstances, I first figure out what I am doing or not doing. I have also gone through tremendous growth and healing within a short time just by learning from the mistakes other people make.
Mistakes are bound to happen sometimes no matter how hard we work on preventing them. It's part of life. Dan Millman says that this is how we sometimes best learn lessons. The important thing is that we do learn from them and not repeat them again and again.
Some people prefer to stay stuck in unhealthy patterns than putting in the effort to change. They know that something is obviously not working for them, yet they continue doing the same thing over and over.
I use to worry tremendously about the people who were repeating destructive patterns. I really wanted to help. But one of the lessons that I have learned is that you can not help anyone who is not willing to do what it is required in order to change. When they are ready, they will receive the help they need in order to do so. But until then it is wasted time and energy to try to convince them to do something different. Which is time and energy that could be used towards those who truly need it and desire it.
Some of us do the same thing over and over and expect different results. Intelligence allows for making new mistakes and learning from them, instead of repeating the old ones. The more we learn, the more adaptable we become and the fewer mistakes we repeat. Learning requires change; change involves losing face;losing face means dying to the old;dying old gives birth to the new. Nothing really changes until we do. - Dan Millman
-Dan Millman, author of Peaceful Warrior
We have all made many mistakes and we are all doing the best we could with the awareness, knowledge and wisdom we have at the present time. Sometimes when I remember some of my past mistakes I cringe. Thinking that if I just would have known then what I know now.
One of the reasons I am so passionate about my work is that I get to help people and prevent them from wasting years making the same mistakes that I have made.
I am proactive with life challenges now. Instead of putting blame on other people or circumstances, I first figure out what I am doing or not doing. I have also gone through tremendous growth and healing within a short time just by learning from the mistakes other people make.
Mistakes are bound to happen sometimes no matter how hard we work on preventing them. It's part of life. Dan Millman says that this is how we sometimes best learn lessons. The important thing is that we do learn from them and not repeat them again and again.
Some people prefer to stay stuck in unhealthy patterns than putting in the effort to change. They know that something is obviously not working for them, yet they continue doing the same thing over and over.
I use to worry tremendously about the people who were repeating destructive patterns. I really wanted to help. But one of the lessons that I have learned is that you can not help anyone who is not willing to do what it is required in order to change. When they are ready, they will receive the help they need in order to do so. But until then it is wasted time and energy to try to convince them to do something different. Which is time and energy that could be used towards those who truly need it and desire it.
Some of us do the same thing over and over and expect different results. Intelligence allows for making new mistakes and learning from them, instead of repeating the old ones. The more we learn, the more adaptable we become and the fewer mistakes we repeat. Learning requires change; change involves losing face;losing face means dying to the old;dying old gives birth to the new. Nothing really changes until we do. - Dan Millman
Sunday, April 15, 2012
Mid Life Awakening
"Without recognizing our own rites of passage, we can become more easily disoriented and disheartened on our life journey. We may be in the midst of powerful moments of transition and transformation, but misenterpret these as moments of failure, weakness of character, or even a kind of insanity. We may have no way within ourselves of saying good-bye to the past, letting go of the old and fully embracing the new.And upon emerging from our initiation by fire, we may not even realize that we have emerged at all, or be fully aware of the profound transformation that has taken place deep within us."
-Dr. Barbara De Angelis
My "mid life awakening" has been quite an adventure. There have been things that I experienced that I would rather not have. However, my mid life period has been the catalyst for healing, growth, learning, insights, revelations, changes and transformation. It has also brought me closer to my authentic self.
I can't pinpoint exactly when my "crises" started. I just remember a few years ago beginning to feel as though something was off, but I did not know what, much less what to do about it. I had been so busy with daily life concerns that I had not taken the time to figure out why exactly I felt this way. I then got the opportunity to reflect on my life. What I found was that I was not living based on my values and true beliefs. I was also not being true to myself.
I pretended I did not see the truth for a while because I did not want to make any waves. Until finally it got to the point where I just wanted to scream at the frustration of living a lie. Once I discovered my masks, I noticed those around me living a facade as well.
I learned all the ways I have kept myself from learning the truth about myself and how others do the same. I thought I was just too busy to take time to be with me in order to figure out why I was doing what I was doing. But neglecting doing this only kept me repeating the same mistakes and remaining stuck.
For a long time I even thought I was going insane because my emotions went haywire when I started to get some insights on the truth. The truth heals, but first it will pisses you off, I think Gloria Steinem said this once. The growth has been extensive. There were times I thought I just could not take it anymore. Everything about my life looked chaotic and messy. There were moments I fell for the false beliefs of others and began to see myself as a failure. Fortunately for me I had been building an emotional support sytem for myself and I was reminded of the truth.
To go through a mid life awakening takes strenght and lots of courage. You have to stand up for yourself, your beliefs, values and the truth. Like my sister has told me during my moments of weakness, "At least you are being true to yourself. No matter how good it looks on the outside, most everyone else is living a lie." I suppose the reason I found my courage was because I had experienced what it was like to live a lie and it only brought me deep depression.
My growth, healing and learning process is far from completed. But now that I understand what is really going on, I am quite proud of myself. Even when everyone was against me I hung in there. I can't tell you how good it feels now not to be wearing any masks and to have finally have met people who truly love me, in spite of being my authentic self.
I do not recommend self-reflection and soul searching for the weak. True growth and tansformation is for those who are strong, courageous and no longer willing to live in denial. No matter how ugly the truth looks, I have to tell you, it has been a lot better than living a lie.
"When society has no understanding of these inner rites of passage into wisdom, it wrongly identifies them as something else...The midlife crisis is an experience that is misnamed. It should be called midlife awakening. It is emotional alchemy that rebirths us as a crucial point in our life journey. To dismis this point of great soul-searching as midlife crises is to insinuate that the life circumstances that came before this were 'normal,' and that deep self-reflection and reassessment is some sign of mental instability or temporary confusion, rather than a moment of awakening. Who's to say the life before wasn't a crises? Perhaps it's more accurate to suggest that it is those those who never question their lives, their choices or themselves who are in crises."
-Dr. Barbara De Angelis
Saturday, April 7, 2012
Scales on a Fish
"Scales have the power to turn a previously depressing day into one with sunshine, and a previously bright day into a miserable one. When we get on a scale we say, 'Tell me, machine, how I should feel about myself today.'...A scale, however, is just a scale- a cold, lifeless piece of metal- until we give it its power. " -Geneen Roth
I was trying to remember how long it has been since I last weighed myself but I just can't remember. However, I know that I have lost weight based on how my clothes fits me. This is in spite of the fact that I do not diet, I am a forty-year-old woman, I gave birth to a son and I do not do streneous exercises. It is not necessary to deprive yourself and watch every morsel that goes into your mouth in order to maintain a healthy weight or even to lose weight. I did not always know this myself.
I was a perfectionist when it came to my body. While I did not have a specific diet plan I was following, I was very strict as to what I was allowed to eat. I worked out daily with no exceptions, even on days I was sick, because I was afraid of gaining an ounce. I would weigh myself every morning and if I had maintained my weight I'd be okay. If I lost weight I'd be happy. However, if I gained weight I felt lousy the whole day.
At the time I did not know that muscle weighs more than fat and that women retain water during certain times of the month. I finally now understand why women my age who were much bigger and never exercised weighed a lot less than I did. I also now know that just because you are thin it does not mean that you are healthy. I heard a story of a woman who is ultra thin, but she is bulimic and anorexic. She has already miscarried three babies. The doctor has told her that if she ever wants to have a child, she needs to learn to eat normally and get her body healthy in order to be able to carry a baby. Even then the doctor is not so sure she could have a baby since she has messed up her body so bad with her eating disorders.
Yet, there are many women who still believe that a diet will make them thin, happy and healthy. I can't pinpoint exactly why I stopped dieting, since I did not know the negative effects on dieting when I stopped. I think that I was just tired of being a masochist and of the deprivation. I still try to feed myself nutritious foods most of the time. But I also enjoy junk food. Just last night my son wanted me to bake a cake for him. In the past I would not have done so in fear that I would not be able to control myself and have some as well. But yesterday, I noticed how peacefully and joyfully I made the cake and made the hot chocolate to go with it. I even had a decent slice of cake for myself with no remorse whatsoever.
Since I do not weigh myself I am not paranoid about everything I eat. I have sad memories of the days I weighed myself daily and I would be so hungry after exercising after work but I did not allow myelf to eat anything because it was after seven in the evening. I went to bed hungry and could not sleep because my stomach would be growling so bad. If I'd give in to my hunger and allow myself to have a tiny apple to quiet down my stomach at least a bit, I'd be worrying that I gained weight. The next morning I would be angry at myself if I'd gained even an ounce. As though a tiny apple could have really made a difference. I know it did not because even when I did not give in and have the apple there were days I gained a couple of pounds anyway. So in order to avoid obsessiveness with food and to stop allowing an object to determine my worth or what kind of day I should have, I just do not weigh myself.
"We make it into an instrument that tells us if we should like ourselves that day or not. And we do that by accepting societal beliefs about the goodness and the rightness of being of lower rather than a higher weight and also by continuing to weigh ourselves day after day. As if you can't tell by the way your clothes fit whether you've lost or gained weight. As if you need punishment to force you into losing weight. As if you weren't a feeling, thinking, capable human being who can decide for yourself what kind of day you're going to have and how you are going to feel about yourself. Throw the scale out. Or paste your ideal weight on it so that when you ask if you're allowed to feel good about yourself that day, it says, 'of course.' "
-Geneen Roth
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