If you are going through a major life change, this is the article for you. I am going to be the midwife who helps give birth to the new and improved you. I will assist you through your challenging times to get rid of the old that is no longer serving you. Yes it might have been useful, even necessary, at one point in your life. But now your past is holding you back.
The fact that your old way of living is falling apart is a sign that it is time to let the past go and get ready for the changes that are about to come. If you are resistant to change, even though life is telling you that you do not have a choice anyway, your growth, healing, and transformaton will be retarded. There are three important things to do when going through a dramatic change. This is true whether your life change is job loss, illness, death of a loved one, ending a relationship, etc. The three things are:
- Stop your negative thoughts.
- Release your negative emotions.
- Stop telling it like it is.
I will describe the above first steps in detail so that you understand why they are so important and why if you do not take these steps you will remain stuck or things will get worse. I will start off with your thoughts.
I agree that it is easier said than done to stop thinking negatively when your world is falling apart. I have been there, I know. However, if you do not find a way to shift your thinking, more negative things will be drawn to you. Worrying or over thinking a problem will not help. In fact, it will only make the situation worse. In order to come up with quick solutions you need to keep your mind free from negative thoughts. The best way to do it is to stay present. Remind yourself that right now, in this moment, you are okay. Don't think about tomorrow or even tonight. You might believe that this is counter productive. But actually when you are present, not worrying about the past or future, is when the solutions come. In fact doing something completely unrelated to solving your problem such as walking the dog, washing dishes, showering, gardening, or cleaning is when the solutions come.
The next step, or actually maybe it should be the first because it is the most important, is to release your negative emotions. This is the most important step, but also could be the most difficult. When I was going through my own crises (See my article
What do You do When Your Life Is Falling Apart? for details
), I was full of rage and rightfully so. Everyone else also agreed that I had the right to be angry, in fact they said they'd help me get revenge on my former bully employer. But something inside of me told me that this was not the answer. Instead I began to release my anger in more healthy ways. Such as writing, exercising, watching funny movies, spending time in nature, and not talking about my problem nor thinking about it.
Like me, you may also have the right to be angry. But unfortunately the one who will continue to suffer from the experience is you if you do not let your negative emotions go. If you need help, talk to one of your wisest friends. Or talk to a spiritual leader from your church that you trust. Another drawback of holding on to negative emotions is that you block spiritual guidance. Our higher self, God, and the angels, speak to us all of the time. But we drown their voices when we are having negative emotions.
Also your emotions are so powerful that you will continue to draw circumstances and people of similar resonance which will only make it harder to get out of your bad situation. Not to mention all of the illnesses that are caused by having negative emotions for a long time. Such as high blood pressure, heart disease, skin problems, and even cancer. So while you are already having enough challenges, by not releasing your emotions you are harming your body and adding yet another thing on your list to deal with.
The third step is to stop telling it like it is. Most of us were not taught that the more we talk about negative issues the worse things get. Also, the more bad things and experiences you draw to yourself. I learned this at the age of thirteen. My Junior High friend and I would spend our recess and after school time talking about our dysfunctional family life and other negative subjects. The more I talked about it, more negative stuff would come. I also found myself sinking into a deep depression. One day, my math teacher talked to me. He noticed something was wrong and was deeply concerned. I did not tell him what was going on because as nice as my teacher was, do to my childhood home experience, I did not trust authority figures. However, our talk (or actually what he talked to me about) planted a seed in my mind of what my future could be like.
I started focusing on that future instead of talking about my negative situation, and before I knew, everything shifted. When I am going through hard times and find myself rehashing to friends or family about my situation, I think back to that time. I remind myself that if as a child I had that much power to change my circumstances in spite of my home life, then there is no excuse not to be able to do it now. I just need to keep my mouth shut about how bad things are. This does not mean you do not seek out help. You just have to be aware if you are doing it to get help or you just want to tell someone about how miserable you are and how nothing ever works out for you.
Another reason why the above steps are so important is that the people who are able to help you will be magnetised towards you. If you do not follow the steps, the help will repelled. Ironic isn't? When you most need the help, you will not attract it. This is why it is so crucial to stop thinking about the negative things (As much as possible), release your emotions (As soon as you are able to) and stop telling it like it is. Only tell people about your situation on a need to know basis and give them the short version.
If you would like further assistance with any of the above, please contact me on Facebook. The first session is free and it may be all that you need.