"The obstacles in our path are not blocking us- they are redirecting us. Their purpose is not to interfere with our happiness; it is to point us toward new routes to our happiness; new possibilities; new doorways."
- Dr. Barbara De Angelis
Transition time could be very scary whether you planned it or not. When you are in transition you are being prepared for your new life. However, most of us have no clue what that new life is and not knowing is what causes much stress and fear. I have put together a list of things which have helped me during transition periods and I hope that they could be of some use to you as well.
- When the path you were taking is suddenly blocked and no matter what you do you can't get around it or through it, try something else. The blocks could mean it is not time for your goal to be obtained, but if you are patient it will happen. Or it could mean that you are on the wrong path altogether and it is time for you to take another route.
- Take one step at a time. For most of us our whole life purpose is not revealed to us all in one shot. When we have a controlling personality type this could be frightening. But if we truly want to live our life purpose, we have to take the steps that are presented to us to take. And once these steps are done, wait for more guidance on the next steps to take. What happens often is that when we can't see the future steps, we become anxious and impatient. Sometimes in order to soothe uneasiness we spend our days on time wasters, things that are keeping us from being alert as to what our next step is.
- Pay attention to your intuition. Some people are so intuitive and confident about their gut feelings that they rarely not listen to them. However, most of us are not so trusting of our intuition and it takes practice to learn how to be. I am slowly now getting comfortable with my own intuition. The times I have listened, I have been immensely grateful. But the times I did not, I deeply regretted it. Try listening to your intuition on little things first. If you can't tell if it is your intuition or not, please contact me and I will share a few guidelines. By the way intuition is nothing to be afraid of. We all have it. Just that most of us have suppressed it for various reasons. Donald Trump admits to using his intuition to make the "Big Deals"(read his books and you will see). In fact, he leaves many people baffled when he insist on a business transaction when others warn him that he is making a bad deal. Then they are even more shocked when Donald ends up being correct in spite of the evidence proving that it could not be possible.
- Be alert to chance encounters and also information you get from others in passing. At first in weirded me out when this would happen. I'd have a question about something and I repeatedly kept getting information on what I was inquiring about throughout the week, sometimes numerous times in the same day. This is how spirit speaks to us. Ofcourse most people do not pay attention. But if you really want answers, the real answers, pay attention to repeated messages.
- There are no accidents. Even if your situation is unwelcomed and chaotic, you are right where you are suppose to be. It does not mean you can not make it better. But once we have made peace with where we are at, solutions on how to get out of our mess are revealed. However, you must keep an open mind. Sometimes we are so stubborn on wanting things to turn out one way, but really it is suppose to turn out a different way entirely.
- There will be a period where you feel as though you are in limbo. Your old life does not fit anymore, but there is huge gap between your future self and where you are at now. So you are somewhere in "transition". Sometimes we remain in transition longer than we hoped because we are afraid to be vulnerable to others who are able to assist us during this time in order to get to where we want to be. For most of my life I felt as though I was all alone and could not count on anyone. But once I allowed myself to finally be vulnerable, help from earth angels and spirit rushed in.
- Let go of the old. Another reason transition periods take longer is because we have not let go of the old which no longer serve us. Old behaviors, beliefs, attitudes, patterns, relationships, material items and addictions keep us from moving on. We want to remain in our comfort zone even though it is a lifeless place to be. No passion, no joy and no peace of mind is the result of not letting go of the old in order to welcome the new.
- "Rebirthing ourselves takes time, Like our own physical birth process, it cannot be rushed. that means we must have the undestanding and the willingness to endure the labor pains we experience as we traverse the gap between who we were and who we are becoming."
-Dr. Barbara De Angelis
- For more information or a free session please email me at carbajalzulma@gmail.com or you could view similar articles I have written in the blog section for www.first30days.com.