Monday, February 27, 2012

You Are Not Alone

For so time now I keep getting the message that I am not alone, but I am still allowing mainstream beliefs to make me think that I am. This morning I was listening to my favorite radio station and there were several people that called in who were in the same boat. Because of persecution in a past life for their spiritual beliefs they felt isolated and alone now (To the young woman who I shared the radio station with last week, call me so that I could give you the details. Based on the information you gave me about yourself this is something you would be interested in hearing).

I also met singer and song writer yesterday who is going through a challenging time because of her mother's illness. To add to her problems, because she is not of the same religion as her birth family she has been abandoned and she and her husband are enduring alone. She is taking full care of her mother and it has been a huge challenge. The only comfort and emotional support she gets is from like minded friends, who are not even of the same religion or beliefs, but respect and support her anyway.

The artist shared different quotes from various religious books, even the Muslim religion, who say the same thing, "Love others no matter what nation, religion, culture, etc. Respect others different from you and learn from them. Show everyone kindness and compassion. We are all doing the best we can under the awareness we have." The trouble is many people construe the universal teachings and exclude people who are different from them. The warped perceptions is what blocks God awareness.

The following is what Dr. David R. Hawkins wrote in his book "I", about why people hang on to false beliefs:

"The awareness of God is obscured by cynicism, skepticism, rational caution, negativism, or even ignorance. The underlying motive often reveals the answer. The ego does not like to have it's world view challenged or brought into question. It protects it's paradigm of reality from fear. It may be threatened by contrary information and become defensive because it is being made to look 'wrong'. It also likes to take responsibility for its views because that imputes that they are held by choice.

Conflict may arise because of religious or group loyalties, or ethnic or family traditions, but the loyalty of the committed spiritual seeker is only to God. Doubt may also be a healthy signal that one is in the wrong place, spiritually speaking. As naivete merges into spiritual maturity, discernment may flash a warning signal. If in doubt, always take 'stop'. One may also outgrow the current group or teaching; then it is time to move on.

Doubt may be motivated by the fear that there may be a loss of customary self-indentity or cherished beliefs."

Anyway, I just wanted to share with you that you are not alone, even if at times you feel as though you are. Many more people are going to start coming forth because they are becoming aware of universal spiritual truths and no longer wish to hide their beliefs from others. However, loved ones may not be too happy about it and they could probably be a huge challenge. Just remember that you are not alone no matter what it appears to be and you will meet like minded individuals who will remind of the truth.

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