Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Your Love Power

"Above all, a woman's true power source comes from loving herself. I'm sure that a lot of people will quickly say that they love themselves, while in reality they weaken their own power in unintentional and often overlooked ways like negative self-talk. Therefore a more accurate gauge of a woman's true level of self-love is to add up all the good ways she treats herself and subtract away the things she habitually does to diminish her own positive feelings of self-worth."

                                                       - Steve Nakamoto

The following are clues that you are a person who loves herself in a healthy way and therefore  in a position of power to attract love into your life.

  1. You like yourself. You may have some things you'd like to improve on, but you know that you are okay regardless if you are able to change those things about you that are less than perfect.
  2. You respect yourself and therefore will not tolerate others to disrespect or mistreat you in any way.
  3. You like your body and you treat it well with exercise, rest and by eating mainly healthy foods.
  4. You say "no" to request that will cause you to neglect your self-care, health and over all well being.
  5. You are quick to forgive yourself from past mistakes.You know that you will do better next time.
  6. You respect your uniqueness and do not compare yourself to others.
  7. You do not give anyone permission to make you feel inferior.
  8. You stop the negative self-talk. You recognize that the negative voice was the result of childhood programming and it is time to reprogram your subconscious with the truth.
  9. You do not spend time with people who drain you or who are negative. You understand that while you might not be aware of it consciously, unconsciously they are causing you harm.
  10. You graciously accept gifts and compliments from others without feeling guilty or the need to reciprocate.
  11. You reward yourself when you do well, and you are kind and compassionate with yourself when you do not.

"In order to attract love into your life, the first place to start is by improving the relationship you have with yourself. By doing this, you'll be sending out an unmistakable signal to the universe that you are a woman of incredible value, and any man would be crazy not to love and cherish you."

                                               -Steve Nakamoto

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