- You may be thinking consciously of what you want, but your subconscious does not believe it could happen. For esample: You ask for a loving, committed, joyful relationship. But your subconscious says, "Yeah right, that will never happen. If those gorgeous women on television can't keep their men, how could I?"
- You have not healed your emotions. For example: You are using the Law of Attraction to attract a boyfriend and you end up getting an angry lunatic. Or you ask for a job and you get it, but you are surrounded my angry, bitter coworkers. If you keep coming across angry people spend some time healing your anger first. As you are "within" is what you will produce "without". These two examples, the angry boyfriend and angry work environment, happened to me. In fact, they were the catalyst for me to realize I had some suppressed rage and my subconscious was attracting people and circumstances that matched. Once I spent time healing this, I felt so much lighter. So far, since then things have been pretty peaceful.
- Life lessons. There are no accidents in life. Every single thing that happens to us is for a reason. Including your birth family. You were born for a reason, there are no mistakes in life. And some of the things that happen in life occur to steer us back to our path. We my inisist on manifesting one thing, when our soul is telling us it is time to let it go and pursue our life purpose instead.
- Timing is not right. Sometimes everything else is lined up. Perhaps you healed your emotions, gone through the lessons, you have worked with your subconscious,etc. But things are just not happening yet. This happens when the timing is not right. Remember we are co-creators with God and there may be something else going on that we do not see, but God does. For example: You have worked on yourself extensively in order to be healthy for the mate you wish to attract and you use the Law of Attraction, but he is not here yet. What could be happening is that this special life partner has a few things he needs to take care of in his own life before he meets you. Like moving from another state or country; job transition that will allow more time with you, filing for divorce or grieving a deceased wife. Therefore he needs more time for his healing and to put his life in order before he meets you.
"The third dynamic of the Universal Law of Attraction. Energy attracts like energy. For example, when you are angry you attract angry people and you live in an angry world. When you are greedy, you attract greedy people and you live in a greedy world. When you are loving you attract loving people and live in a loving world. It is that simple. Five-sensory humans believe that their world determines their beliefs. Multisensory individuals know that it validates their beliefs. If you believe that the world is dog-eat-dog, you become one of the dogs and you live a world of dogfights. If you believe that the world is miraculous, you become a miracle and you live in a world of miraculous people. Five sensory individuals think, 'I will believe it when I see it.' Multisensory individuals know, 'I will see it when I believe it.'
- Gary Zukav author of Seat of The Soul
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