A few months ago a friend started loaning me books written by Dr. Hawkins. I have found that when I am reading one of his books I feel the loving energy he wrote his books with. At first I thought that perhaps it was just my imagination. But then when I found out he had passed away in September of this year and I heard about what a wonderful man he was, I realized I was feeling his presence when I read his books.
His words are a huge support to me when I find myself getting too focused on ego concerns and goals. He has also given me a blueprint as to how to live in this physical world as a spiritual being. One of my favorite books of his is The Eye of The I. The following is what the Editor has written about Dr. Hawkins in this book.
"The reported material is unique in that the author is neither an ecclesiastic nor a religionist nor a theoligian but instead has been a clinician with extensive experience in education and science, medicine, psychiatry, pshychoanalysis, and research as well as clinical scientific writing. He is described as having been accomplished, successful, and talented in may fields. At the time of the advent of his sudden enlightment, he had the largest psychiatric clinical practice in New York City."
When I read the above, I realized what a renaissance man Dr. Hawkins was. He had many talents and was successful in the ways that mainstream people consider as success. Yet he was also extremely spiritual.
Here are a few of the things that Dr. Hawkins wrote about in his books.
- We are programmed by our families, society, religion and the media with false beliefs.When we are children we have unlimited potential, but because we are programmed with so many lies we end up repeating the negative patterns, behaviors, thoughts and beliefs of others. And this is why there continues to be so much struggle, suffering, and negative events in our world.
- Just because you think it is so it does not make it true. Our thoughts and perceptions keep us stuck. When we stubborly listen to our old beliefs we do not give a chance to open ourselves to the truth.
- You do not have to do anything to save the world. You help raise the consciousness of others by raising your own. That is what the world needs the most now in order for our world to begin shifting. The more people who raise their consciousness the faster it will happen. Because the people who experience higher levels of consciousness (See my article Power Vs. Force for more information) are so powerful, it is not even nessessary for the majority to be at these levels in order to shift the rest of the world. But so far the percentage of people who experience the higher levels of consciousness is so small that we have not made much progress. Although society as a whole has made a shift in the 1980's which is now making even higher levels more attainable than they ever have been before when most people were still stuck in animal and survival instincts.
- Watch out for cults or people who claim only they could hear God and therefore you must give them a bunch of money to be saved. Also watch out for gurus expecting people to idolize them. People who are truly enlightened are very humble and do not boast nor claim they are the chosen ones and therefore everyone else is beneath them. (Note: Church offerings is okay and expected in most cases for the survival of the church; normally 10% of your income is what is common and appropriate.)
- There is no sin. Just that there are many people who dwell in lower energy consciousness levels. Once you learn the different levels you realize why certain people behave the way they do. In fact, it is expected. In order to move up to higher levels one must spend more time with those who are already there. You pick up the higher energy by osmosis, if nothing else.