Tuesday, December 18, 2012

David Hawkins, MD, Ph.D

I did not get the opportunity to meet Dr. Hawkins before he passed away. However, I have come across several people who were fortunate to have met him. What I hear from the people who had the chance to be around him is that he radiated a powerful loving energy.

A few months ago a friend started loaning me books written by Dr. Hawkins.  I have found that when I am reading one of his books I feel the loving energy he wrote his books with. At first I thought that perhaps it was just my imagination. But then when I found out he had passed away in September of this year and I heard about what a wonderful man he was, I realized  I was feeling his presence when I read his books.

His words are a huge support to me when I find myself getting too focused on ego concerns and goals. He has also given me a blueprint as to how to live in this physical world as a spiritual being. One of my favorite books of his is The Eye of The I. The following is what the Editor has written about Dr. Hawkins in this book.

"The reported material is unique in that the author is neither an ecclesiastic nor a religionist nor a theoligian but instead has been a clinician with extensive experience in education and science, medicine, psychiatry, pshychoanalysis, and research as well as clinical scientific writing. He is described as having been accomplished, successful, and talented in may fields. At the time of the advent of his sudden enlightment, he had the largest psychiatric clinical practice in New York City."

When I read the above, I realized what a renaissance man Dr. Hawkins was. He had many talents and was successful in the ways that mainstream people consider as success. Yet he was also extremely spiritual.

Here are a few of the things that Dr. Hawkins wrote about in his books.

  • We are programmed by our families, society, religion and the media with false beliefs.When we are children we have unlimited potential, but because we are programmed with so many lies we end up repeating the negative patterns, behaviors, thoughts and beliefs of others. And this is why there continues to be so much struggle, suffering, and negative events in our world.
  • Just because you think it is so it does not make it true. Our thoughts and perceptions keep us stuck. When we stubborly listen to our old beliefs we do not give a chance to open ourselves to the truth.
  •  You do not have to do anything to save the world. You help raise the consciousness of others by raising your own. That is what the world needs the most now in order for our world to begin shifting.  The more people who raise their consciousness the faster it will happen. Because the people who experience higher levels of consciousness (See my article Power Vs. Force for more information) are so powerful, it is not even nessessary for the majority to be at these levels in order to shift the rest of the world.  But so far the percentage of people who experience the higher levels of consciousness is so small that we have not made much progress. Although society as a whole has made a shift in the 1980's which is now making even higher levels more attainable than they ever have been before when most people were still stuck in animal and survival instincts.
  • Watch out for cults or people who claim only they could hear God and therefore you must give them a bunch of money to be saved. Also watch out for gurus expecting people to idolize them. People who are truly enlightened are very humble and do not boast nor claim they are the chosen ones and therefore everyone else is beneath them. (Note: Church offerings is okay and expected in most cases for the survival of the church; normally 10% of your income is what is common and appropriate.)
  • There is no sin. Just that there are many people who dwell in lower energy consciousness levels. Once you learn the different levels you realize why certain people behave the way they do. In fact, it is expected. In order to move up to higher levels one must spend more time with those who are already there. You pick up the higher energy by osmosis, if nothing else.  
If you would like to learn more about what Dr. Hawkins has written, Power VS. Force is a good book to start with because he describes in detail the lower and higher levels and how he came about the scale. I have to tell you that once I came across his work I began to see the people around me with much more compassion and understanding. I also understood why some people did not relate with me nor I with them- we spoke different languages entirely.

Self Love and The Law of Attraction

Self love is very important in more ways than I could list here. One of the reasons that self love is of value is that you benefit the most from the Law of Attraction. The following are examples in which the Law of Attraction works in your favor when you truly experience Self Love.

  • When you love yourself others mirror that love. People that you know who are dysfunctional disappear from your life and those that remain tend to not be so dysfunctional around you anymore.
  • You attract extremely loving people into your life.This is based on my own experience. I would not have been able to believe it if it had not happened to me.
  • If you love yourself you will attract great jobs.
  • If you have a job and work in a place where there are lot of negative people, your self- loving energy will either get those people to change around you, they will leave your department (maybe even the company) or you will be given an offer at another place that resonates with your self-loving energy.
  • You will attract a very loving life partner. If you are already involved with someone and he/she is not very healthy/ loving, they will either change or leave your life.
These are just a few examples of how the Law of Attraction will work in your favor if you feel love for yourself.

Watch Out For Your Ego

Dear ego,

You are hereby given notice that we have a new leader. You are welcome to stay on as a silent partner. I (my Sacred Self) am taking over my life and my career. I have brought in the number one consultant in the universe, God. God and I will confer on the restructuring of my life and my career. You will no longer have a voice in any of my decisions. I have no bad feelings towards you, but it is not in my best interest or those in my life to allow you to influence my decisions.

The above letter to the ego was written by Shirley Ross Korber and I found it in Dr. Wayne Dyer's book, Wisdom of The Ages. I wanted to share it here because reflecting on the words regularly may come in handy to you as they have for me. They have served me as a reminder to ask myself, "Who I am I listening to?" While the ego is not completely bad there are many times in which you really should consult with your "Sacred Self " and God prior to making decisions.

When we allow our ego to be the master of our lives, we end up making many of the same mistakes repeatedly. Below is a list of signs that you may be allowing you ego to run a muck.

  • You keep dating the same type of low frequency people who have serious character flaws.
  • When you meet the opposite sex you only want to continue dating that person if he/she meets your superficial requirements. Such as appearance, body type, ethnicity, financial wealth, career status, power, material possessions, etc.
  • You pursue careers or jobs for the money, status, title, prestige, or power instead of the reason that you were put in this planet for.
  • You spend your life comparing yourself to others and competing with siblings, family, friends, co-workers and neighbors.
  • You either think you are better than others which makes you arrogant, selfish, conceited and annoying. Or you think you are less worthy than others. Either way you base your value on externals which in reality do not determine your true worth. No matter what outside appearances look like, no one is better than anyone else.
  • You tend to choose people solely for their looks and ignore the fact that you do not connect mentally, emotionally nor spiritually. You also have nothing in common and you do not pay attention to red flags telling you that she/he has serious character flaws.
  • You tend to fall for empty words and promises. You ignore the fact that your most important needs are not being met. You get caught up in the fantasy instead of paying attention to who the person really is and how she/he is treating you.
  • You let the media, magazines and books determine whether you are beautiful or not and you go through extremes to match up to the false image even if it endangers your health and well being. If it is impossible to meet the ridiculous requirements of others no matter what you do, you feel unattractive and less than other more "attractive" people.

In order to live a happy and fulfilling life ,you have to put your ego on check and consult with your Sacred Self and God instead. When you do this you finally realize how much time was wasted on things that do not matter and start having more energy for the things that do.

Life is Change, Trust The Process

Life is always changing whether we like it or not. We could resist it, but we will only suffer from doing so. In my own experience, I held on tight to many situations that no longer served me. I wasted years doing things the ego way when my Sacred Self was telling me it was time to let go and move on to a different level of experience. There are times that I look back and think of all the things, people and circumstances I refused to let go of and I realize that if I would have listened to my Sacred Self first instead of my ego my life would have been so much more different now. I do not regret my life, just wish I would have listened less to my ego and more to my intuition. Ofcourse I did not know any better at the time. I had no role models, or guidance on how to do things in a different way. I just went along with what everyone else was doing.

I am amazed on how things have changed for me within the last few years. I no longer recognize the person I was before. It all began shifting when I started to trust in the process of life and go with its changes and cycles. Things looked very scary for me many times. But my Sacred Self advised that it was time to let go of my fears and to learn to trust in God once again. My fears and need for control caused a whole lot of anxiety, and my body was paying for it. My Sacred Self was telling me to release, go with the flow and trust that everything that was happening was for the best, even if it did not look like it.

My Sacred Self gently reminded me that all is well and that there was a purpose for my negative circumstances. All that was keeping me from following my life's purpose had to come down. It was as though I had gone through a spiritual detox and purification. I am glad that most of my problems have been resolved. But even the issues I do not have a handle on yet do not cause the stress and worry as they did before. I have a knowingness that I am being taken care of. Sometimes my ego does put in its two cents and tells me that I am crazy not to be afraid when things look pretty bad. I sometimes still react to those fears like I did on a regular basis years ago. But I am finding that this is happening less.

If you would like more information on this article please contact me at carbajalzulma@gmail.com. You could also see similar articles I have written for www.first30days.com in the blog section.

"Love is based on our capacity to trust in a reality beyond fear, to trust a timeless truth bigger than all of our difficulties."- Jack Kornfield, author and teacher

"Life doesn't happen to you, it happens for you. Everything that happens to you is either for your enjoyment, for your growth, or both."- Marci Shimoff

Practical Spirituality

For most of my life I have been quite spiritual and a seeker of the truth. My hunger for spiritual awareness, experience and knowledge has brought me many gifts. But eventually I figured out that although my truth has brought me joy in my every day life, in the simplest of ways, I am still a human and need to do human things.

There has been a massive increase in the last few years of people who have experiened spirit, but many do not know what to do about it. They have not yet learned how to function as a spiritual being with a human experience not a human being with a spiritual experience. For these people I write this article. I am still learning myself, but I think you will find the following basic practical steps beneficial to you as they have been to me.

  1. Spiritually we are all one. This is a spiritual truth, but what do you do when someone is being a jerk to you or is so dysfunctional he causes problems in your life? You are not thinking, "Don't be angry, we are all one." Nor should you. First, you set clear boundaries with lower energy people. Just because we are all one spiritually it does not mean you let lower energies treat you like a punching bag. If you find yourself in this situation, part of your life lesson may be to learn to be more assertive and stand up for yourself. Not in a vengeful or hateful way, but in a way that demonstrates the love you have for yourself. Because of this love you have for you, you do not tolerate any kind of abuse from anybody.
  2. Spiritually there is no scarcity. This is a spiritual truth, but what do you do when in real life you are experiencing scarcity? Practice gratitude for what you do have. Gratitude keeps your focus on what you do have and away from what you lack. It also invites the universe to bring you more good stuff. Remember that our thoughts create our world. If we keep thinking about what is missing we will get more of the same. It is a simple technique, but many of us sometimes forget to use it because our ego gets so attached to thinking about what is missing. But if you can get yourself to practice gratitude, soon enough you will notice a shift.
  3. Spiritually we do not need the body. Somewhat true, but in order to do what you were born to do, you need to take care of the body or you will not have a body to do anything with. Or because of neglecting the body you are bed ridden or disabled and therefore a burden to loved ones. So if you do not take care of the body for you, do it for your loved ones. I know that some religious people have negative views about the body and see it as unimportant. But if it is truly unimportant then there was no good reason for God to put us in these bodies in the first place. Sometimes taking care of my body is hard for me because I am usually focused on spirituality or on the mind. It is funny to me because many years ago my sole focus was on the body. Now I am learning to integrate all aspects of me, not just one or the other.
  4. Spiritually we do not need anything. But physically we do. We need food, shelter, love, relationhips, etc. When I first experienced spirit, I was in another world for a long time. I rarely felt hunger and I prefered solitude over being with anyone. But then there came a time when I realized I had to be active on the Earth plane. I was here for a reason, otherwise I would not be here. I was like a baby taking her first steps. Through trial and error I had to learn how get back into the world as a spiritual being having a human experience. Prior to this, while I believed in spirit, I was mostly focused on externals. I did not look for the spiritual meaning of things or the lessons learned from my challenging situations. The world seemed empty, joyless and lonely. My advice is that you remember spirit and ask for guidance on everything. How to spend your money, who to let in as your friend, who to let go of, what foods to avoid,etc.

For more information on how to live as a spiritual being with a human experience, please contact me at carbajalzulma@gmail.com

Friday, December 14, 2012

Life Lessons

If we miss life's whispered teachings, they return as wake -up calls, and when God calls, we had better pick up the phone. Adversity is one way the universe gets our attention. Physical pain calls us to balance our body. Emotional suffering reveals to us resistance. Mental suffering reveals the healing power of the present. Some pain is invevitable, But as we learn to listen to life's gentle lessons, suffering dissolves. - Dan Millman, author of Peaceful Warrior

It is not always possible to get the lesson when it is presented to you the first time. But when it's time for you to heal a situation, God will continue to bring the course to you. If you do not get it the first time, it will get harder and harder until you will finally get it. The following are clues that you did not get the lesson the first time. Please know that I am not being judgemental. In fact, the reason I know what I know about how life speaks to us because of my own experience. In the past, I erroneously believed I was just born with incredably bad luck. When the truth was I was given opportunities to heal, grow and choose differently.

  • Your last five relationships were the same. Unhealthy, selfish, abusive, dependent, shallow, damaging, disrespectful, unloving or all of the above. When this keeps happening, you need to stop and think what is the common denominator and why you are attracting and are attracted to these kind of people. You can not attract a healthy person into your life if you are unhealthy. Like attracts like. The common mistake is that people point fingers at who is at fault, but they rarely look at themselves to see what they are contributing to the situation.
  • Your health is only getting worse, yet you seem to have no time for your self-care. Either you have an illness that is soon going to require medication to stabilize or procedures and surgery will also be required. God is telling you it is time to take time for you. Most people do not listen and the illness gets so bad they become unable to care for others and in some cases can't even take care of their own basic needs, such as bathing, eating, changing clothes, or using the bathroom without assistance. Do not let this be you. If you need to rest do so, don't wait until you are sick in bed and definitely make sure you take time for your own daily needs first before you develop an illness.
  • You are gaining excessive weight and it is not attributed to any physical problems such as thyroid issues. Gaining weight is not a cause it is a symptom. If this is you, stop and think about what, how, when and why you are eating. While no one wants to be overweight, I believe it is one of the best signals that something is wrong. I will be posting more in the future on eating disorders, but for now know that if you use food for reasons other than sustenance, you may be an emotional eater. Ask yourself when do I eat? Am I eating because I am stressed, anxious, worried, sad, angry, depressed, afraid, bored or as a replacement for love or low self-esteem issues. Don't let yourself get so overweight that now instead of fixing the original or core problem you also have to take care of your problem of being overweight.
  • You are attracting unhealthy relationships not just at home, but at work and everywhere you go as well. Don't wait until a situation gets so bad you can't ignore it anymore. When you are attracted and attract negative people and situations, it is a signal to heal from the inside. Nothing external will change until you do. For example, an angry person will attract angry people everywhere she goes. When I mean angry I do not just mean raging angry, but also those who suppress their anger. You can't trick the law of attraction. You attract those who are like who you are at your core whether you express your emotions or not.

Every mistake reveals something about ourselves and the nature of reality. We can't undo our errors, but we can learn from them. If we don't learn, the lessons get harder.- Dan Millman

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Be Grateful For Everything

You can complain because roses have thorns, or you can rejoice because thorns have roses.- Ziggy, character in a comic strip by Tom Wilson.

We are all spiritual beings having a human experience. Not many people realize this. Those of us who do often forget when life gets hard. However, the times I have remembered this truth has brought me great healing and growth.

Every challenge, difficult encounter, setback has transformed into a gift when I remembered there was a reason for it. In order to remember I had to be present. Like psychologist Jack Kornfield points out, just like the signs in Las Vegas say: "You must be present to win."

What has kept me present has been gratitude for both the good and the bad. For the good things it is easy to be grateful. However, it sometimes takes work for me to feel gratitude for the bad. What I learned is that when I am grateful for the bad I get the lesson and quickly move on. When I am not grateful and I am stuck in my anger or resentment, the situation persist. Sometimes it even gets worse.

Now that I am much older I am getting better at having appreciation for everything and everyone. Even difficult people and situations. Because of this, not only have I changed for the better, but relationships that had brought me a huge challenge have transformed in a way that in the past I did not think would be possible.

Gaelic Blessing

May the long time sun shine up on you
All the love surround you
And the pure light within you
Guide your way home

Change Guidelines

Most people resist change. Because we are creatures of habit, stress, anxiety, depression and fear are common to emerge when we are in the process of change. Change could be very frightening even when the change is good. The following are tips on what to do to help you with life changes.

  • Trust that you are in God's hands. Even when things do not make any sense to you. I will not say this is an easy thing to do, but when I begin to get anxious about a challenge or fear the unknown I think back of all the times God has been there for me to pull me through some very difficult times.
  • Instead of worrying about loss, think about what you would do if you were not afraid.
  • Let go of the old and welcome the new. You can't bring anything good into your life if you are still holding on to old wounds, people (especially dysfunctional energy drainers), circumstances, beliefs and situations.
  • When everything falls apart,  remind yourself it is an opportunity to create a better, stronger foundation.
  • Try new directions and seek out new opportunities.
  • Remind yourself that change is "always" good even if at the present time it does not look like it.
  • What you are afraid of is never as bad as you imagine, and in order to stop anxiety remind yourself of that.
  • Think about what could go right, instead of what could go wrong.
  • Make an effort to learn from your mistakes and not repeat them.
  • Look for opportunities, not obstacles.
  • Seek out positive and encouraging people who will support you in getting out of a bad situation and also encourage, motivate, and inspire you to move towards new directions.
  • Remind yourself that you already have the tools, not only to survive, but to thrive.
I have written similar articles on change in the blog section for www.first30days.com. If you would like support in your time of change, please contact me at carbajalzulma@gmail.com