Friday, December 14, 2012

Life Lessons

If we miss life's whispered teachings, they return as wake -up calls, and when God calls, we had better pick up the phone. Adversity is one way the universe gets our attention. Physical pain calls us to balance our body. Emotional suffering reveals to us resistance. Mental suffering reveals the healing power of the present. Some pain is invevitable, But as we learn to listen to life's gentle lessons, suffering dissolves. - Dan Millman, author of Peaceful Warrior

It is not always possible to get the lesson when it is presented to you the first time. But when it's time for you to heal a situation, God will continue to bring the course to you. If you do not get it the first time, it will get harder and harder until you will finally get it. The following are clues that you did not get the lesson the first time. Please know that I am not being judgemental. In fact, the reason I know what I know about how life speaks to us because of my own experience. In the past, I erroneously believed I was just born with incredably bad luck. When the truth was I was given opportunities to heal, grow and choose differently.

  • Your last five relationships were the same. Unhealthy, selfish, abusive, dependent, shallow, damaging, disrespectful, unloving or all of the above. When this keeps happening, you need to stop and think what is the common denominator and why you are attracting and are attracted to these kind of people. You can not attract a healthy person into your life if you are unhealthy. Like attracts like. The common mistake is that people point fingers at who is at fault, but they rarely look at themselves to see what they are contributing to the situation.
  • Your health is only getting worse, yet you seem to have no time for your self-care. Either you have an illness that is soon going to require medication to stabilize or procedures and surgery will also be required. God is telling you it is time to take time for you. Most people do not listen and the illness gets so bad they become unable to care for others and in some cases can't even take care of their own basic needs, such as bathing, eating, changing clothes, or using the bathroom without assistance. Do not let this be you. If you need to rest do so, don't wait until you are sick in bed and definitely make sure you take time for your own daily needs first before you develop an illness.
  • You are gaining excessive weight and it is not attributed to any physical problems such as thyroid issues. Gaining weight is not a cause it is a symptom. If this is you, stop and think about what, how, when and why you are eating. While no one wants to be overweight, I believe it is one of the best signals that something is wrong. I will be posting more in the future on eating disorders, but for now know that if you use food for reasons other than sustenance, you may be an emotional eater. Ask yourself when do I eat? Am I eating because I am stressed, anxious, worried, sad, angry, depressed, afraid, bored or as a replacement for love or low self-esteem issues. Don't let yourself get so overweight that now instead of fixing the original or core problem you also have to take care of your problem of being overweight.
  • You are attracting unhealthy relationships not just at home, but at work and everywhere you go as well. Don't wait until a situation gets so bad you can't ignore it anymore. When you are attracted and attract negative people and situations, it is a signal to heal from the inside. Nothing external will change until you do. For example, an angry person will attract angry people everywhere she goes. When I mean angry I do not just mean raging angry, but also those who suppress their anger. You can't trick the law of attraction. You attract those who are like who you are at your core whether you express your emotions or not.

Every mistake reveals something about ourselves and the nature of reality. We can't undo our errors, but we can learn from them. If we don't learn, the lessons get harder.- Dan Millman

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