Time appears to be speeding up. Quantum shifts are occuring at every level. Rapid growth is happening in all parts of our being; mental, emotional and spiritual. Some are experiencing illness, but also healing and restoration.The old way of doing things is also falling apart because it no longer works based on what humanity has evolved to. This is why so many of us are experiencing extreme changes on multiple levels and different areas of our lives. It is also why there is so much chaos, confusion, and fear. It is not because it is the end the world. It is because it is the end of an era where we only see things with our five senses and our focus is solely on superficial matters.
Those who try to cling to the old way of being and do not learn to control their ego will suffer greatly. This way of being will not bring them the peace and happiness they yearn for. They will continue to believe that they could only find happiness by acquiring external things. But as many of us have finally learned, this does not bring us happiness, peace nor well being.
Lynn Koll wrote in the book Pearls of Wisdom, regarding this rapid change and I would like to share it with you here.
"It feels to me like we are in the middle of highly accelerated times of personal, emotional, and spiritual growth. Many ancient philosophers have prophesied these evolutionary shifts. The urgent message from the Hopi elders is, 'There is a river flowing right now very fast. It is so great and swift, that there are those who will be afraid. They will try to hold on to the shore, they will feel they are being torn apart and will suffer greatly. Know that the river has its destination. The elders say we must let go of the shore, push off into the middle of the river, keep our eyes open and our heads above water...We are the ones we have been waiting for.' This affirms to me that all the economic turbulence, warfare, fraud, and earth changes, are expressions of our consciousness and like a river, have their destination and purpose. They are coming to the surface to be revealed, healed and learned from...While change often brings the appearance of chaos and tragedy, acceptance and willingness to change are critical for our own happiness and for our humanity's evolution and survival...The chaos of change may actually be the necessary catalyst to rebuild our institutions based on truth, integrity, equality, sustainability and empowerment for the greatest good of all."
Don't be one of those people who want to hold on to old ways of doing things. You will suffer greatly if you do. I know because suffering and pain is what I experienced trying to force things to be back how they were. My soul was pushing me towards other directions, but I did not want to let go because I was afraid of what would happen if I did. It turns out that my worse fears did not come to pass. While my life has been challenging, it has also been very rewarding ever since I began to practice letting go and trusting spirit to guide me.
If you would like some help through your life transition please contact me on Facebook or at carbajalzulma@gnail.com. I am also now a regular expert contributor for the blog on the site www.first30days.com if you would like to view my article on related topics.
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