"It is true that many people become wealthy without being conscious, because it is possible to create almost anything we focus on strongly enough. This may be the path their soul has chosen for their learning process. Usually,however, the money does not bring a sense of prosperity. It is true some people generate more money than they could handle responsibly. The problems they encountor may be part of their learning process, a wake up call for change that may jar them out of their worn out patterns."- Shakti Gawain
I remember hearing Marci Shimoff say that there was a time in her life when her sole focus was on gaining fame and fortune. Then one day, shortly after achieving her goals, she sat by the pool at her home and she started crying non stop. She asked herself, "Is this it? Is this all there is to life?" Then began her quest to live her life more in balance with her heart and soul and as a result lives much happier. In fact, she even wrote a book called Happy for no Reason.
Just like Marci there are countless other entrepreneurs, authors, executives, managers, motivational speakers,etc., who asked themselves the same question Marci did. Wondering if all there was to life was to accumulate stuff and money. Many were able to find the importance of balancing all parts of their being. But the ones who did not, resemble zombies. They go through their days doing the same thing as always, with no life in them. These are the people who feel stuck in jobs they hate. The ones who have affairs thinking that a new person will change things. They get themselves into debt buying toys and luxuries hoping to find that one thing that will finally help them feel content and happy. Having a close relationship with their families is not possible since they rarely spend any time with them. They think that family is of lesser importance compared to making more money to accumulate more stuff. The zombies are the ones who believe the old beliefs "Survival of the fittest" and "It's a dog eat dog world". No wonder there is no life in them.
I remember many times in my own life I worked hard, focused all my time and energy in something I wanted. Even when I felt exhausted and depleted I kept going. I eventually would get what I wanted but then I'd ask myself, "For what?" I would give my best thinking that in the end I will feel the fulfillment I was craving. But when I was not balanced with all parts of my being my endeavors and accomplishments actually brought me more misery.Sure in the beginning I'd feel happy, but it was only temporary. Many years were wasted repeating the same cycle over and over. Even now that I know better it is tempting to go for the money and forget about my heart and soul. But then I reflect on how miserable I was doing work with no spirit or passion.
If this article resonates with you, please contact me and I will help you find more balance in your life. The first session is free. I could be found on Facebook or you can email me at carbajalzulma@gmail.com.
Also I am an expert contributor for www.first30days.com. Take a look at my article in the blog section.
"However, once we are committed to consciousness growth, we generally create only as much money in our lives as we can manage responsibly-enough to live and support our process without distracting or jeopodizing our journey. As our ability to handle energy and power matures, we tend to generate more money. We ususally receive exactly the amount of money needed in order to do the things that are truly right for us.To the degree that we follow our hearts and souls, we will experience this flow of money in our lives as true financial prosperity."
-Shakti Gawain
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