I finally found my tribe last month. These people are like minded. They are my spiritual family and friends. I never thought I'd find them at a church. I had kept away from religious organizations for years because my biological family's religion and religions I had explored as a young adult only had a negative influence in my life. I was already an anxious and frightened child and adult. Religion only made the situation worse.
My intuition had been guiding me towards Unity Church for several years now, but I kept putting it off. I would set up a day to go and then last minute I'd come up with something silly as to why not to go. I am so blessed and grateful that I finally did listen to my gut feelings. Even when I have had the most challenging week, my tribe never fails to restore me back to my happy self.
Frequently the service seems to be especially made for me. In fact, I mentioned it to the Reverend yesterday that is was spooky how he seems to be reading my mind throughout the week because when I show up on Sundays I find myself hearing exactly what I needed to hear to restore me back to love. I also find that much of what I write about on this blog is taught at my church. The following is some of the things that the Reverend talked about this past Sunday.
- Everyone behaves in unloving ways sometimes. The important thing is to catch yourself and try not to do it anymore. Don' stay stuck in shame. God does not love you any less for your mistakes.
- There is no sin, only mistakes. In fact, I learned last year that sin was actually an old Greek archery term that simply meant, "You are off the mark. Make the necessary corrections and avoid doing it again."
- Rip up the negative tapes.The critical voice in your head which tells you that you are not good enough, attractive enough, smart enough, qualified enough, special enough, etc. The negative voice was formed by family, society, teachers and peers, but it is not the truth. These negative programs came from false perceptions of people who simply did not know any better, even if they might have meant well.
- Same with the negative movies of your mind. Delete them, they are keeping you stuck in old patterns and behaviors.
- Let go of old reactions, behaviors and attitudes that are keeping you from being aligned with the love of God.
- Pay attention to the company you keep. The Rev. said that even he has to remind himself to do this sometimes.
- Make it a daily practice to commune with God to avoid slipping.
- Don't be afraid to reveal your magnificent self. Sometimes it is fun to wear masks, like for Halloween, and pretend you are someone else for a while. However, many hide behind masks throughout their lives in fear of being judged or ridiculed or considered a weirdo. No need to put on masks for God. He loves your true self.
- All people are welcomed at Unity Church. Regardless of religion, sexual orientation, economic level, ethnic background, race, age, etc.
The Reverend took a carved pumpkin (It was a happy one, not a scary one) to church to use as a visual aide for the service, but also to tell us the story as to how the Halloween holiday began; why we carve pumpkins, wear costumes, and pass out candy. It was a beautiful story and he made it fun for the kids. They just loved it.
I encourage you to look for your tribe. It has been most rewarding for me to have found mine. My son and I are treated like family by everyone. Sometimes it surprises me because I had never received so many hugs and even kisses from people. Not even from my own parents. Actually I do not remember ever being hugged much less kissed by my parents even as a child.
I almost do not want to share by spiritual family with you. But that would be very selfish of me. So if you would like to join us, you are very welcome to. You can get information about the church I go to at http://www.unityriverside.org or you can look for one near you www.unityonline.org.
Life can be extra challenging when you journey it alone. Sometimes you feel like you have never fit in with your biological family or even with friends. You feel like a weirdo and begin to start wearing masks in order to fit it. But I'm telling you that there is no need for that. All you need to do is to find your tribe. Those like minded people who will welcome, support, motivate, and even love you for being your true self. Your spiritual family may be different than mine. We are all unique individuals. But it is out there waiting for you. As for me, I feel as though I have finally come home.
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