Friday, October 26, 2012

How Did I Get Here?

"If you are truly alive, if you are truly growing, you will undoubtly come to many difficult transitions and crossroads in your life journey. These twists and turns are arbitrary. If you haven't traveled so far down the road, you wouldn't have come to this new set of paths, choices, and challenges. It is because you have been so courageous, so determined to learn, to seek the truth, that you are here at all."

            - Barbara De Angelis, author of How Did I Get Here?

A few days ago I had the great opportunity to hear the past story of an inspiring woman. I have looked up to her for a while. Because of her beautiful, vivacious, and sweet personality I had assumed she was blessed with a perfect life. It turns out that years ago she was broke and had no job.  To top it off she had gone through so much growth and healing that her old friends and family no longer wanted to be around her because she made them uncomfortable. She said that for many months she was very lonely and depressed. But she trusted her intuition to lead her to her Life Purpose and now she is rich. I never would have thought she ever had an unpleasant moment in her life. Every time she is on the radio she is giggling, laughing and saying such beautiful comforting words.

Last month I also heard Life Coach, Morgana Rae, share her story. From what I understand this woman is so awesome she coaches millionaires and celebrities. She mentioned that she had not always been this successful and prosperous. In fact, Morgana shared that when she was almost forty she was fully dependent on her father. She was not proud of this, but no matter how hard she tried or what talents she possessed, she just couldn't improve her financial situation. Then her father had a financial crises and was no longer able to help her. So she had to figure out what to do and quick. Morgana consulted a Life Coach who helped her become aware of what may be the cause of her situation. She now has a fulfilling and prosperous life.

These stories reminded me of what Dr. Wayne Dyer wrote in one of his books. He was told by teachers and I believe college instructors as well, that he wrote poorly. Fortunately he never listened  to their opinions otherwise we would not be blessed with his inspirational books. He wrote in several of his "best selling" books,  "Other's opinion of me is none of my business."  Dr. Dyer has also mentioned that he has encountered negativity from family and friends because he has been so determined to follow his intuition and not what others tried to get him to do.

There is a story in a book called, If Life is a Game These Are The Rules,  in which a former opera singer had some serious vocal chord damage and was no longer able to sing. She went to talk to a Life Coach because she had a hard time figuring out what to do in order to make money. The Coach asked her what she liked to do or what talents did she have. The singer told her that she did not have any skills in which others would consider "practical" in order to get a job. The Coach encouraged her to share her talents anyway. The singer said that she spoke French, loved to eat and to shop. With the help of the Coach she surprisingly found work that required these hobbies. She now works at a fancy hotel entertaining rich guests who speak French and sometimes it involves taking them to restaurants and shopping around town.

 One of my favorite emotional eating experts, Geneen Roth, mentioned that she was judged by her family for putting stories in her book about the emotional abuse she experienced as a child. After many tears, she reminded herself of all the people around the world she has helped heal and decided to continue writing her stories. Geneen said that it was not done to hurt her parents, particularly her mother, but to show people that their is hope in healing no matter what. Also Geneen shared that when she began giving workshops she had still not lost all her weight since she was doing it the slow, healthy and natural way. So some people that showed up at the workshop and saw her walked away. Still she did not give up and continued to teach others what she learned about emotional eating.

Then there is Oprah. She was abused as a child. As an adult she was ridiculed for wanting to be a talk show host because of her appearance and background. When she finally did become a talk show host and experienced some level of success, a group of greedy business people attempted to take advantage of her and tried to sue her. She was shattered for a while, but with some savvy words from Dr. Phil, she was reminded of who she was and refused to back down and allow them to bully her no matter how powerful the business people were.

Albert Einstein failed grade school math. Thomas Edison was considered a loser for some time for failing thousands of times before inventing the light bulb.

I share these stories in case others are judging you. Or maybe you are judging yourself for finding yourself in a very challenging and unwelcomed situation. Hopefully the above stories inspire and remind you that no situation, as bad is seems,  is permanent.

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