Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Do You Have a Blind Spot?

Sometimes we do not manifest what we desire because we develop scotomas or blind stops. These blind spots come about because of childhood programming of false beliefs and society's influence. The following are some examples of beliefs that cause scotomas which block manifesting capabilities.

  • The belief that there is a scarcity of quality men or women to date.
  • The belief that there is a scarcity of money.
  • The belief that life is a struggle.
  • The belief that you are not good enough just how you are.
  • The belief that you have to be someone you are not for people to like you.
  • The belief that you are not lovable just the way you are.
  • The belief that you are not smart, capable or educated enough.
  • The belief you are not attractive enough to attract a life partner.
  • The belief that men do not fall in love with overweight women.
  • The belief that you are too old.
  • The belief that old means sick.
  • The belief that if you stop being sick, you will no longer get attention.
  • The belief you can't do something because of your gender, ethnicity, economic situation,etc.

The reason false beliefs create scotomas and block manifesting is because we have a built in screening device called the Reticular Activating System which acts much like an Executive Secretary screening out information. Without R.A.S., we'd be overwhelmed by the unlimited number of perceptions. R.A.S. also reinforces what we believe. Unfortunately even if it's false beliefs which many of our beliefs are.

If your belief is that there is a scarcity of quality men, for example, when a nice guy is right in front of you, you will not be aware of it. Or if you become aware of it you will assume he is a jerk like the rest of them and put up your "Do not disturb" sign. Most of the time we do this unconsciously.

Or if your belief is that men do not like overweight women, and a cute guy is looking at you, you will not be aware of it. And if you do notice, you assume that he is thinking something awful about your weight. But he actually could be thinking, "Look at all those sexy curves, I wonder if she is single". But then you unconsciously give a vibe that dicourages him from approaching you. Which he senses, assumes you must be taken if you look that hot, and he walks away.

Another example, many people are ill because they like the attention they get and do not believe they could get attention without their illness. Their R.A.S. then blocks out all of the tools that are available for healing.

For more cool information on R.A.S check http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/reticular_formation

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