I was recently asked by a person who is struggling with anxiety and depression for tips on how to manifest quicker. As I was going over the list of what she could do, I realized that many of the suggestions experts give on the Universal Law of Attraction are similar to the advice doctors give for relieving anxiety and depression.
The following are tips on quick manifesting. I put an A if it also applies to anxiety. A D if the tip can also be used for depression.
- A & D - Stay away from negative people (AKA energy vampires). Experts on the Law of Attraction say that our energy resonance is the equivalent of the five people we spend the most time with. So if you spend a lot of time with negative people then obviously you will have a hard time picking yourself up. Also, negative people are full of doom and gloom and if you are already anxious about the outcome of a challenging situation, spending time with these people will only make you feel worse. One of the most important rules on the LOA is to keep your energy positive. You can't successfully do that if you are spending too much time with energy drainers. Some people are vibrating so high that they are not affeccted at all by lower energy people. But us common folk need the extra protection. A friend of mine forwarded a blog video on expert on the LOA and success Scott Bolan, and in the video Scott advises to stay away from low energy people as much as possible.
- A & D- Stop listening to the news, radio, newspapers or any other negative conversations. The news sells only because people are drawn to negative information. Therefore, the same bad news is recycled over and over. Yes bad things happen, but none of the good things are mentioned. Many people, especially women, are empaths. That means that they are sensitive to other people's struggles, pain and negativity. If you already suffer from anxiety or depression then it is best not to stay up late watching the news so that the next day you can't even get out of bed. This was also mentioned in Scott's video. You might ask, as many people do, "How will I know what is going on around the world?" Believe me you will find out, it is hard not to. I am always kept informed on important issues by bad news fanatics. Especially now with the internet, you can't open up the web page and not get news. Being an empath is a good thing. It makes you a better healer, teacher, spouse, parent, coworker,etc., because of your high ability to understand what others are feeling. The problem is that if you consume yourself with negative information then you are not very helpful to anyone, not even yourself. You also tend to have a harder time getting up once you are down.
- A & D- Some people have a strong critical inner voice and they are not only filled with negativity about themselves, but everyone else. In order to heal your anxiety, depression and your inability to manifest, you must learn to recognize that the mean voice you are hearing is not yours. You picked it up from your primary caretakers as a child. If you would like more information on how this happens, read Self Parenting by Dr. John K. Pollard. I highly recommend this book to people who grew up in dysfunctional families and especially those who in which one or both parents were alcoholics.
- A & D - Get some exercise. It does not have to be high impact a walk will do. When you exercise endorphins (natural feel good brain chemicals) kick in and calms anxiety and lifts sadness. It works for manifesting as well because it releases stuck, yucky, energy and you are free from negative emotions which block manifesting of good things.
- A- Meditate. Meditation is now being recommended by mainstream doctors to relieve anxiety, stress, and high blood pressure and several other health problems. So not only does meditation have health advantages, but it also gets you in a state of mind of quick manifesting.
- A & D- Pay attention to what kind of TV shows and movies you watch and music you listen to. According to Scott Bolan even non sensitive types are affected subconsciously by negative things you see and listen to. So you will especially feel it if you are an empath. In my own experience, this happened to me not long ago. I normally stay away from certain movies, but this one day I felt pretty content and felt brave to watch The Road. It is a depressing movie and also it put me back into scarcity mentality. You can't manifest abundance of anything if you have a scarcity mentality. Not only that, even though I knew the whole thing was fake, I felt down after the movie and also began worrying about the future. Since then I have realized that no matter how good I feel, it is best to continue to be selective on what I watch and listen to.
Please note that I am not a therapist nor a psychologist. What I share in this blog are merely things that I have used for my own healing and growh which could benefit you as well.
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