Friday, June 22, 2012

Enchanted Love

Dear God,  I don't wish to be a child anymore. I don't wish to be held back anymore. I don't wish to waste my life. Deliver me to new realms, repair me where I am broken and ready my heart for everything; my life purpose and my life partner.
                                       Thank you ,God

Enchanted Love is the result of humanity evolving to a place where conditional love and love based solely on physical or external attributes is no longer enough. All over the world people are growing, healing old wounds, and transforming into beings who are seeking Enchanted Love. Many have already found it. Marianne Williamson wrote a book called, Enchanted Love which describes what this special love is. Prior to reading her book, I had an awareness that my spirit was ready for more, but I was not able to put into words what that more was.  The following is how Marianne describes Enchanted Love.

  • An Enchanted Love is unconditional. While the lovers are not perfect and make many mistakes, they have peace of mind knowing that their mate will love them unconditionally.
  • Enchanted lovers support each others Life Purpose. The reason for this is that God set it up this way so that each have the help and at the same time it is a gift for pursuing their Life Missions. He wants us to have someone, a loving haven, to come back to daily after being out there serving humanity. Or for this person to be by our side while we are doing so.
  • Their love is always expanding, never stuck. Echanted lovers do not find themselves losing their passion, and love for each other.  A big reason for this is that they are always growing and learning together.   
  • The Echanted Lovers do not just connect at a physical level, but also at an emotional, mental and spiritual level. This is why the love and passion last forever even when the body begins to deteriorate.
  • Life for Enchanted Lovers is never boring. Everything in their lives is magical; sex, raising kids, even washing the dishes or mowing the lawn. The reason for this is that they did not come together solely to get married, have children, have regular sex or buy a home. No, Enchanted Lovers know that they miraculously came together for special spiritual reasons and therefore everything they do together has magic in it.
  • Echanted Lovers know that they are gifts to each other and they treat each other as such. Even when the lovers have disagreements or issues arise, they recognize that beneath there is a gift for both of them and it is time to find it.
  • God brings Enchanted Lovers together so that they could have more of a chance to becoming more of what He intended them to become. Marianne writes that God says to the lovers, "Stop and look at this person. There is something for you to learn here, and something for you to teach."
  • Enchanted lovers see marriage "as a feast for love and growth." The lovers come together for loving and expanding reasons, while the rest of humanity comes together for ego based reasons: fear, need or control.
  • Enchanted Lovers understand that they could only go so far alone in the healing process. There comes a time when you have done enough inner work on your own and there is a need to be with another to go further. When the Enchanted lovers get together, they know that it does not necessarily mean they are completely healed. Therefore they are alert to situations that bring up issues needed to be healed together.

I have outlined for you what Echanted Love is, but I recommend that you read the book if you wish to learn more about the magic of Enchanted Lovers. If you would like information on how to prepare yourself for Echanted love, please contact me on Facebook. The first session is free.

Note: The prayers were taken out of Marianne's book.

                                        Dear God,
                         Please remove from me my any
                         resistances to love. Make straight
                         my path to the heart of my beloved.
                         Reveal to me the meaning of this
                         ride we are on.


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