Sunday, July 15, 2012

Cosmic Love Affair

"The difference between a cosmic love affair and an earthly one is the difference between play and need. Some amount of need enters into every relationship in the material world-survival is too pressing an issue for us to feel that our life is pure play. But in spirit you only play. Your purpose is not to survive but to express every grain of passion that love arouses in you."

                                                     - Deepak Chopra

There are many more people today who are no longer interested in an "earthly" romantic relationship and desire instead to come together with someone who is willing and capable of experiencing a cosmic love affair. I describe the two type of relationships as follows:

  • Cosmic Love: The couple is more interested in what they could give to each other more than what they could get. They do things for the other person because they know their partner will be pleased. They do not expect for their partner to return the favor. Earthly Love: The couple is more interested in what they could get from the other person. They rarely do things in order to please their partner. If they do, it is with strings attached,  "I do this for you if you do this for me."
  • Cosmic Love: There is freedom, expansion,  and growth. Should one partner say he'd like to start night school his partner would say, "Sure, how could I help?" Earthly Love: There are rules, restrictions, and one partner always trying to control the other. If one partner says she would like to start a business the partner will say, "No you can not. You need to keep your job, I need my toys." or "No, I expect you to cook dinner every day and your schedule will interfere with that."
  • Cosmic Love: The couple looks for ways to spend more time together on a consistent basis. They enjoy each other and it brings them delight to be in each others presence. Eartly Love: The couple actually tries to avoid each other. They use excuses as to why they can't do things together. Such as have to work late regularly, too tired, too busy, etc. Some even go as far as to get jobs in a different state or a job that requires them to travel so that they rarely see their spouses.
  • Cosmic Love: They are their authentic selves. They accept each others flaws understanding that no one is perfect. Some don't even see the flaws as flaws. Earthly Love: They are not their authentic selves from the beginning and when their real self comes out later, there is resentment, anger, and sometimes even hate because they married a fraud.
  • Cosmic Love: The couple recognizes the gift of finding each other and are truly grateful to be together. They often tell each other their appreciation for each other. Eartly Love:  They are always complaining to each other and also talking badly about their spouses to others. They often wish to seperate. In other words, they spend more time looking for their partner's flaws than at the good things.
  • Cosmic Love: The couple goes with the flow on the changes life brings. They understand that life is always changing and they can not control that change. If body parts start sagging their partner will still see them as beautiful. Or if he likes to wear his casual clothes while lounging at home she understands. Earthly Love: The couple is against change. They expect things to be just like when they were dating. Even if they have kids, she still wants to get intoxicated at parties and leaves others to tend to her children. She expects him to be dressed up daily like he was while dating even if he is just at home lounging.
  • Cosmic Love: The couple comes together as whole people with gifts to share, not because of some desperate need. Earthly Love: She is a shallow Cinderella with no life who is looking for someone to be her life. He is a superficial insecure male looking for someone to parade around while ignoring lack of intelligence, flaws in character, jealousy, and the fact that they have nothing in common.

If you would like to learn more on Cosmic Love please contact me on Facebook. You could also read my related article called Enchanted Love 6/22/12.

"Your marriage is play of the divine. Two spirits pretend to be separate for the sheer joy of coming together in love." -Deepak Chopra

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