Monday, July 23, 2012

Simple Prosperity 2

I have decided that since one of the greatest needs at this time for many people is money, I will be posting articles on prosperity at least a couple of times a month. Having the scarcity of money can add much stress in one's life and make things worse because of it. Such as developing health problems.

Just the other day I met a woman at a health food store (It's funny how people I do not even know just talk to me about their challenges), who told me how much she was stressing about money, the illness she developed and how she also attracted some more stressful situations such as problems at work. This resulted having to need time off from work for a while, which only aggravated her finanacial problems.

On an article this month, I stated the importance of monitoring your thoughts. This is nothing new to most people who are familiar with the Law of Attraction. But are you actually practicing this? When we have negative thoughts we say negative things and take negative actions. In addition we contaminate others with our negativity.

I will give you an example in my own experience. Over the weekend I spent some time with my mother. Prior to her arriving at my home, I was feeling upbeat, powerful and hopeful. After a couple of hours of her arrival she started with her usual negative talk about money and other issues. In the past I would have let her suck me back into the black hole. But this time I said to myself, "This is her belief, not mine."

However, I would be lying to you if I'd told you that her negative influence did not affect me at all. She was here all weekend and after constant repetition about the miseries of life, such as the unfairness of J Lo having so much money and about how God is horrible, by night time yesterday I was feeling very down about life myself. I did not resemble anything of the woman I was before she got here.

I know that what she believes is false and I also know to keep watch, not allowing her stuff get to me. But a lot of what people say gets absorbed into our subconscious and we are not even aware of it. This is why it is so important for us not to contaminate others with our negativity. When we are allowing fear to control our lives we make others fearful as well. Some people already have their own fears and anxieties and by speaking your false views you make things worse for them and yourself. Remember what I wrote in my article Three Important Steps on The Law of Attraction about the power of your words.

When you are feeling down yourself, one of the tools that will help you shift out of your situation is reminding yourself of the TRUTH regardless of appearances. The TRUTH is that there is no scarcity of money. The reason so many of us have experienced the scarcity of money is because of our society's and parent programming in our subconscious. Our subconscious brings us what we truly believe about money and everything else that we believe about life.

Now imagine being with a person like my mother since birth. Do you think that would not affect me? This person has the power to zap pretty much everyone's positive energy within a couple of hours. Imagine being around her your whole life. Yet, I have gotten very good at releasing the toxins she brings to me. The best thing to do is avoid these low energy people. But since there are so many people like this in the world, it is not possible to always do so. Therefore you need to be able to shift your thinking when you catch yourself getting caught up with the false beliefs of others.

For more information on this article or on additional tips to shift your energy so that you attract good things to you, please contact me on Facebook.

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