Saturday, January 5, 2013

Your Subconscious Mind and The Law of Attraction

Assuming that you already know the basics regarding the Law of Attraction; focus your attention and feelings towards what you want and you will get it. While it is a great way to start, you also need to gain the cooperation of your subconscious mind.

Without getting into too much psycho babble, I will explain the function and the power of your subconscious. It could be the key to manifesting your desires or the saboteur preventing you from doing so. The following are the basics on the subconscious mind.

  1. The subconscious mind is there to make life easier for all of us. It is in charge of our body, organ, and cell functions. This way we could breathe, digest, ward off disease, circulate blood throughout the body, and write at the same time. It is how our body is able to run on "autopilot" while we attend to living.
  2. The subconscious also makes it so much easier to live and learn. Once something is learned, it is programmed into your subconscious and when you need to retrieve the data you will be able to do so. A good example is when we learn how to ride a bike. In the beginning it could be difficult, you may need all of your concentration to learn how to balance on two wheels. But once you have mastered it, you could easily ride a bike again even after twenty years. If we did not have the help of the subconscious every time we wanted to ride a bike, even if we just did so the day before, we'd have to re-learn to do it again today.
  3. Before the age of seven we are just collecting data, learning to be a people. We learn how to be a people from our primary caretakers, who are usually our parents. Even before we learn to speak we are observing and gathering data from the people around us. We are also looking for patterns on how things are done here on Earth. Don Miguel Ruiz, author of The Four Agreements, calls it "Domestication". We are learning to become "Domesticated" in order to be accepted and be able to live here on Earth.
  4. We emulate everything from our parents; the good, the bad and the ugly. Sometimes parents think that by telling their children, "Do what I say, not what I do", children will automatically do it. But it does not work that way. Seems like by osmosis we soak up their flaws. If you are lucky and had parents that had more good qualities than bad, then you are better off than most of society.
  5. By the age of seven you have made your conclusions about how things are done on earth and about who you are. This information is programmed into your subconscious and set on "autopilot" mode. We are all unique individuals so the conclusions I came up with may be entirely different than yours. Conclusions are even different between siblings. This is why some of us wonder, "How is it that so and so does not even recall this traumatic experience and I am still having trouble trusting people because of it?"
  6. After the age of seven, your subconscious is in charge of bringing you evidence of what you have learned. For example, let's say that your parents favored one sibling over you. No matter what mess the favored child got into she could do no wrong. Yet you were treated like the "Ugly Duckling" no matter how hard you worked to gain your parents' love and affection. By the age of seven, you concluded that your parents are right in treating you this way. Since they are all wise and knowing (this is what we believe when we are children, obviously it is not true), there must be something wrong with you that makes you unlovable. In order for you to keep your sanity, your subconscious brings you more incidents, people and circumstances to show you evidence that you are unlovable and unworthy. Your teachers may treat other students better than the way you are treated. Your boyfriends will leave you for a homely girl. Your boss treats you poorly and treats others with respect. The list goes on and on.
  7. Then you learn about the Law of Attraction and you are excited because now you understand that by changing your thinking and emotions, your situation will improve and you will no longer be treated like "The Ugly Duckling". However, for some reason every time you start to see things going your way, for example you meet someone you like, you do something to mess up the whole thing. This is your subconscious sabotaging your efforts to change. The reason for this is that while you have changed your conscious thinking and your emotions, your subconcious beliefs have not changed. The job of your subconscious is to bring you evidence of what you believe. Lou Tice puts it this way, "Even if you're consciously aware of it, you'll be driven to adjust your outer and inner pictures of reality so that they once again match. This is simply how human beings are built in order to maintain sanity. We need to see our beliefs about reality confirmed by what we see and experience. When this happens, we feel that we have a handle on things, that is where we like to operate. When this does not happen, we feel compelled to correct the mistake."
  8. Your subconscious will also show you evidence of what you expect. I will share a story from my own experience. A couple of months ago I hit a car who parked directly at the end of my driveway as I was pulling out. I "expected" there to be a dent since my car is much smaller than the truck that belonged to the person who parked at the end of my driveway while I was pulling out. I dropped off my son at school, took a quick look to check for damage, and sure enough the bumper was dented. I came back home to check the dent again and to confront the person driving the truck. Guess what? The dent was gone. I called a friend on the spot because I felt like I was in the Twilight Zone. But then he said, "Maybe you saw the dent because you expected to see it." It sure was true. I was already having a bad morning that day and was expecting it to get worse. Isn't amazing how our subconscious gets us seeing things we expect to see?

Most of our life is spent on "autopilot". Usually it is a good thing. When it is not good is when your expectations and subconscious beliefs are bringing you dysfunctional boyfriends, bad treatment from the boss/family/friends, health problems/disease, challenges with your children, financial difficulties, and many other life issues. This is when it is time to learn how to gain the cooperation of the subconscious mind.

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