Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Light In The Dream

"You who have spent your life bringing truth to illusion, reality to fantasy, have walked the way of dreams. For you have gone from waking to sleeping, and on and on to a yet deeper sleep. Each dream has led to other dreams, and every fantasy that seemed to bring the light into the darkness, in which  no ray of light could enter. And you sought a blackness so complete that you could hide from truth forever, in complete insanity. What you forgot is that God cannot destroy Himself. The light is in you. Darkness can cover it, but cannot put it out."

                                   -A Course In Miracles

While I write a lot about growth, dysfunctional relationships and healing in this blog, the truth is that we are making everything up. Only love is real. Everything else is an illusion. Ofcourse it does not mean that we allow others to treat us poorly. We could love people from a distance if necessary. We could also choose with who we spend our time with. Ideally you'd spend most of your time with like minded people who nurture you and light up your soul.

When I write about anything that is not at the energy of  love and above (See my article Power VS Force II 10/30/12 for more information ) it is mainly for those people who can not yet grasp that everything that we experience which is negative is not real. Also, just because I have known the truth for at least fifteen years now, I too get caught up in the world of fantasy a lot more than I care to admit. It is hard not to with so many people among us who believe that their dreams (or actually nightmares) are real and they contaminate the rest of us who are trying to remember the truth.

But as one of my spiritual friends says, "We attract the people that are of the same energy resonance. We can't trick the law of attraction." So while consciously I may know the truth, my subconscious is still bringing me the people and experiences with the same energy resonance of my childhood. As I am healing my past, the low energy circumstances and people are becoming less frequent. Ofcourse I still have challenges like everyone else. But they are no longer the norm. I have also attracted high energy individuals. Remember, what I mean by low energy are those people who dwell in low energy emotions.  When I write about high energy people I mean those people who dwell in love & above emotions. Again please see articles Power VS. Force  and Power Vs. Force II 10/30/12 for more details.  

Please note that energy is not a made up thing. It is real. We are all made up of energy.  Everything in the universe is made up of energy. Just that we are all of a different energy resonance.  If you need scientific data look into Quantum Physics.

 We form our perceptions during our childhood. Before seven years old we gather data from those around us to understand how the world works. Our parents are our main teachers. We emulate them and soak up patterns, behaviors, beliefs, addictions, energy resonance and perceptions from them. This is important to know. Because the rest of your life, by the Universal Law of Attraction,  evidence of those perceptions will be brought to you which will only confirm the childhood perceptions that you developed as a child.

However, all perceptions of energy that are not love & above are illusions. I have been extremely fortunate to have been meeting those who remind me of this truth. I hope that one day I am able to remember this truth on my own. I have also been taught techniques on how how to get myself back to love when challenging relationships or circumstances emerge. If you would like some information, please contact me at

I have also written similar articles in the blog section for



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