Monday, August 13, 2012

Active & Receptive Modes and The Law of Attraction

"If we operate mainly in the active mode, we may accomplish a great deal but are likely to find it a struggle and exhaust ourselves in the process. If we operate mainly in the receptive mode, we may attract many people and opportunities but have difficulty following through with action that's called for, and therefore feel depressed or inadequate. So we need to become aware of which polarity we tend to rely on, and learn how to develop its opposite as well. Most truly successful and prosperous people have balance of both." -Shakti Gawain

Our culture tends to value the active mode more than the receptive mode. This is why so many people feel depleted and exhausted. Most people have a hard time relaxing because it is so ingrained in us that it is better to be active than receptive. One is not better than the other. It is important to have a healthy balance of both.I have noticed that when a person does choose to spend some time relaxing others perceive him/her as being lazy and then the person relaxing feels guilty about taking time to replenish.

In my own experience, I've had a hard time balancing both energies. Like most people, I tend to be in the active mode. Some people do not know this about me. They say that I appear calm, relaxed, and peaceful, plus I do a lot of reading. As it turns I do read plenty, but I read books that pertain to my business. So this is not really relaxing.

I have been learning the hard way to balance both active and receptive energies. When I do not pay attention to the signs that I need a break I end up feeling exhausted and depleted or sometimes even sick. This happens because our subconscious takes over when we are ignoring our need for our body to relax and rest. If it wasn't for our subconscious forcing us to rest we'd literally work ourselves to death. Or at least many of us would.

The interesting thing that I have learned is that when you balance both these energies equally things manifest a lot faster. You are taking the action steps required towards your goals but also receptive to  spirit's help to bring them to you. It is a very powerful way to live. But since we are programmed into believing that action is better, most people are not in this magnetic yet dynamic state. Therefore life seems like a huge struggle because people feel they can only get what they want through working super hard.

This is a very difficult belief system to delete. Although not impossible. It just takes some effort to remind yourself frequently that your body needs rest and relaxation to replenish itself. I am learning to do this as well. I remind myself that I can only do my best and that God will take over the rest.

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