Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Trust You Intuition When Dating

Many women do not trust their intuition when it comes to dating because they believe that their intuition is broken. I assure you that it is not. Sometimes we get so caught up with infatuation, hope and fantasy that we do not pay attention to the gut feeling that something is amiss. You do not want to believe that the hottie you met, who appears to be crazy about you, is not "The One".

I know this because it happened to me several times. In the end I regretted not listening to my intuition.  Even after I had done much work on myself there was this one last time I did not listen to my intuition-at first. He looked wonderful on paper. He was everything I ever wanted and based on the way he was treating me and the things he was saying to me he appeared to be head over heals as well.

But every now and then, I would get the gut feeling something was amiss. I couldn't analyze it with my mind, like I normally do, because there really was nothing to analyze. So every time the feeling that something was wrong would come up I would ignore it.

Then one time my intuition was not as quiet and gentle as it normally is. This time it was telling me to wake up ASAP. I did not trust my intuition completely, but I felt nudged to at least call someone I know and trust who is extremely intuitive. It so happens that her sister was there as well, who is also very intuitive, and they both confirmed what my intuition was telling me about him.  Afterwards, I broke off the relationship with no regrets.

You will not always know exactly why your intuition is warning you. I did not know until I talked to the intuitive sisters. But your intuition is there to help you and most importantly to protect you. Have you ever had a bad feeling about someone? He seemed nice enough, but something was off? This one time a man I had been chatting with on an online dating service asked me out on a date. We talked over the phone and he seemed very interesting and charming. But he refused to meet me somewhere in public. He wanted to pick me up at my home. Nice guys do not push women to do anything that makes them feel uncomfortable.  Both my mind and my intuition said this date was a no go. Who knows what this person was up to, but I am sure glad I did not put myself at risk to find out.

Your intuition will help keep you safe. You have to learn to trust it more. Twenty years ago I did not trust my intuition when it was warning me about my long term boyfriend. My intuition was very loud and clear, "Do not open the door!" But I argued "This is a guy I have been dating for five years, sure he is controlling, and could be scary when mad or jealous, but he's cool." Only by the grace of God and the angels did I escape with my life that night.

Your intuition also warns you if someone is lying to you or cheating on you. Everyone has intuition. Just that most of society has suppressed it. Even Donald Trump writes in his books that he uses his intuiton to make "The Big Deals". He often goes against what experts tell him to do because he goes with his intuition first. This is why he says he is so successful.

 Most of society believes intuition is nonsense, make believe stuff. I suppose I would have thought so too if I had not had been in danger of losing my life for not listening to it. If you would like to contact me for more information i could be found on Facebook or at

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