Monday, February 18, 2013

Is He/SheThe One?

Sometimes we get so excited and hopeful with the possibility that we finally have met "The One". The person you met has most of the qualities you have ever wanted. You move super fast wanting to do everything with this person. The other person feels the same way. But as time goes on a bunch of things start coming up and you feel disappointed once again. Yet you are not sure if maybe he/she is "The One" or you are just going through a difficult period.

These are a few guidelines to protect you while dating until you figure out if he/she is "The One" or not.

  • When you first meet someone and you believe it is love at first sight for both of you, pause and remember it is more like infatuation at first sight. This person can do no wrong when you first meet. Infatuation can last a day, a few days, a month, maybe months, possibly even years. But wait and see what happens once infatuation is over before you have sex, move in together or make any other major commitments.
  • Pheromones, hormones and other chemicals produced by the body are at play as well. You believe it must be love if you are so attracted to each other. This is common, but it's just your hormones and pheromones. Pheromones are an individual's signature human odor. It seems mother nature has the perfect pheromones for each of us to attract a person that will make a good match in order to procreate. While pheromones are an indication of getting the okay from mother nature, it is definitely not the only thing that matters when picking "The One" if you want it to be a lasting, healthy relationship.
  • Trust your intuition. Many people ignore their intuition because they get so caught up in the fantasy and possibility that a person they have met could be "The One". A lot of times it is our ego that is giving us false information. Spend some time consulting with your intuition. If you can't tell the difference between your ego and intuition please contact me and I will share that information with you.
  • Go slow in the relationship. If you are meant to be together the relationship will pass the test of time. It gives you an opportunity to see the real person. Once he/she has gotten comfortable his/her true colors will come out. You will see if he/she has certain tendencies and characteristics that are definitely not for you. Also, no one could hide serious character flaws for long, so if you slow down you will find out if he/she has any before you are in too deep.
  • The person that is "The One" will match up with you spiritually, physically, mentally and emotionally. Most men and some women (although we are rapidly catching up to men) are only looking at the physical aspect. Some people do ensure that there is an emotional or mental connection as well. But it is very rare for people to wait until they find someone that they connect with on all four levels. Then they wonder why things do not work out.
  • We all have our moments when we are not our best selves. Consider if your partner is having one of those moments or if it is a permanent thing. Keep in mind that if your partner is in any way abusive (physically or emotionally) or is dishonoring you, there is nothing to consider..stay away from him/her! There is no excuse for abuse. The excuses a person gives for being abusive are ignorant and only low frequency people think that way.

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