Saturday, February 23, 2013

Avoid Toxic People

What kinds of people do you allow into your immediate space? When you allow toxic people into your immediate energy field, you will find that your feelings of well-being diminish. Just as if you allow someone with a cold to sneeze in your face, you increase you chances of getting sick, you must be careful about whom you elect to associate with to avoid contaminating your life energy."

                                                               - Dr. Wayne Dyer

I have been learning much about energy these past few years. Mostly I have been focusing on keeping my energy positive. My experience has taught me to notice right away when I am near toxic people. Before I was  not aware of how many negative people I spent time with. All I knew was that I did not feel so good when I was around them and I felt depleted once they left my space.

The following are the results of spending time with toxic people.

1. Your are prone to getting physically sick. You are more likely to attract a cold and may even get something as serious as cancer.
2. You feel more anxious, depressed, worried, afraid,etc. Toxic people dump their negative energy emotions on you.
3. Your energy is so depleted you can't pursue your goals.
4. Your energy becomes so low you can't attract good things into your life such as a job, a love relationship, good friends, health/healing, etc.
5. You may end up gaining weight because you are subconsciously trying to protect yourself from the energy of toxic people.

Dr. Wayne Dyer recommends that we say good-bye, albeit with unconditional love,  to relationships that pollute our life space.  He says we could neutralize the negative energy with stronger energy,but that the "effort required exhausts you and that the level of fatigue makes you susceptible to lower energies."

It sure has been true in my experience. However, there are certain toxic people that can not be eliminated from your life, or at least not immediately. This is where I found my challenge until an author friend of mine taught be a technique to regularly clean out my energy. If you would like to learn this technique please email me at

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