Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Power VS. Force

A dear friend of mine loan me a book called Power Vs. Force by David R. Hawkins. Over the weekend he asked me if I had the chance to read it and if so what I had thought about it. I told him that I had finally finished it and I loved it. I felt so peaceful and happy while reading it as though the author himself was sending me good energy. My friend said that it is interesting that I should mention that because Mr. Hawkins died last month on 9/19/12. My friend added that he and his wife had the opportunity to meet him a few years ago. Mr. Hawkins was physically small, however he was full of vitality and radiated such beautiful loving energy to everyone that you just felt instantly happy just by being in his presence.

I was sad to hear about his passing. It would have been nice to have met him one day. However, his work remains. I will share with you briefly what his book Power Vs. Force is about. Basically the power of Love is much stronger than the lower feelings of shame, anger, fear, etc. The following are the different levels. I have only given a very brief description of each so that I could fit it in this article. But please read his book if you would like more information and also to find out how he measured these levels. I will begin with the lowest level to the highest.

Energy Level 20:Shame
This level is low it is equalled to death. It is destructive to emotional and psychological health. Shame is used as a tool for cruelty and the victims become cruel themselves. Shamed children are brutal to animals and to each other. This is the most dangeous level.

Energy Level 30: Guilt
In our society guilt is commonly used  to manipulate or punish. "Guilt-domination results in its preocupation with 'sin,' an unforgiving emotional attitude frequently exploited by religious demagogues, who use it for coercion or control...Guilt provokes rage and killing is frequently its expression."

Energy Level 50: Apathy
This level is characterized by poverty, despair and hopelessness. This is the level in which the homeless recide. The level of "the streets of Calcutta, where only the saintly, such as Mother Teresa and her followers, dare to tread."

Energy Level 75: Grief
This is the level of loss, sadness and dependency. We all have experienced this level at one point, but those who remain on this level feel constant regret and depression. "Although Grief is the cemetery of life, it still has more energy than Apathy does. Thus when a traumatized, apathetic patient begins to cry, we know they are getting better. Once they cry, they will eat again."

Energy Level 100: Fear
Fear has more energy than the lower levels. It is healthy to have fear of danger. However, fear runs much of the world and it can cause many problems as we have witnessed in our personal lives and throughout history.

Energy Level 125: Desire
This level has even more energy. "The desire for money, prestige, or power runs the lives of many of those who have risen above fear as there predominant life motif. However, Desire is also the level of addiction." There are many forms of addiction and also one could be addicted to people or behaviors. "Some people become addicted for hunger for attention and drive others away by their constant demands...Desire has to do with accumulation and greed."

Energy Level 150: Anger
"Although Anger may lead to homicide and war, as an energy level it's much further removed from death than those below it. Anger can lead to either constructive or destructive action...But Anger expresses itself most often as resentment and revenge, and is, therefore, volatile and dangerous. Anger as a lifestyle is exemplified by irritable explosive people who are over sensitive to slights and become 'injustice collectors',  quarrelsome, belligerent, or litigious...The Angry person may go into rage, just like a frustrated infant. Anger leads easily to hatred, which has an erosive effect on all areas of a person's life."

Energy level 175: Pride
People feel positive as they reach this level. It has "enough energy to run the United States Marine Corps. It is a rise of self-esteem compared to the lower levels. "Pride looks good and knows it." Normally Pride has a good reputation and it is encouraged by society. The problem is  "that Pride is dependent on external conditions, without which it can suddenly revert to lower levels...The inflated ego is vulnerable to attack...The downside of Pride is arrogance and denial."

Energy Level 200: Courage
At this level true power occurs."This is the critical line that distinguishes the positive and negative influences in life...Courage implies the willingness to try new things and deal with changes and challenges of life. At this level one of empowerment , one is able to cope with and effectively handle the oppotunities of life... There's the capacity to face fears or character defects and to grow despite of them...Obstacles that defeat people whose cosciousness is below 200 act as stimulants to those who have evolved into the first level of true power...The collective level of consciousness of mankind remained at 190 for many centuries and, curiously, only jumped to its current level of 207 within the last decade."    

I will stop here at the level we are currently in, 207. There are more levels, which I will share with you in the future. I just want to stop here for this article because at first it disturbed me that Mr. Hawkins wrote in his book that in a lifetime most people only move about three points.  So if you are a child born into a family who is at the 150: Anger, at most you could hope to move up to is 153. Which is still at the level of Anger.  However, the author also shared how we can make quantum leaps into the higher levels,  which I will share in another article.


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