Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Power VS. Force, Part II

As mentioned on my previous article, as a whole we are currently on level 207:Courage.  Ofcourse some people, families, countries are at higher levels, but we are brought back down to 207 because of those who are still stuck in lower levels such as shame, guilt, grief, anger,etc.  This is not to say that we never experience lower emotions throughout our lives just because we are at level 207. What it means is that it is the level that we are on most of the time, with few exceptions.

For example if you experience loss of any kind such as job loss, death of a loved one or divorce, it is natural to fall back to the level of Grief. The danger is when people stay there. Or those people who have never had a chance in life to experience another level, a thought does not even emerge that it is possible to be able rise higher. 

Below are the higher levels. As you go further towards 1,000 the percentage of people on that level decreases dramatically.

Energy Level 250: Neutrality
This energy level becomes very positive because it is neutral. Polarization creates division and opposition. "As in martial arts, a rigid position becomes a point of vulnerability;that which doesn't bend is liable to break...the Neutral condition allows for flexibility and nonjudgemental, realistic appraisal of problems." An example that the author gives is that if a person is at this level he is likely to say things such as, "Well, if I don't get this job I will get another." Hawkins adds, "This is the beginning of inner confidence; sensing one's power, one isn't easily intimidated or driven to prove anything. The expectation that life, with its ups and downs, will be basically okay if one can roll with the punches is a 250-level attitude." People at this level have a sense of well being and are easy to get along with. They are  not interested in conflict, competition, guilt or drama."This attitude is nonjudgemental and doesn't lead to any need to control other's people behavior...due to Neutral people's value of freedom, they are difficult to control."

Energy Level 310:Willingness
Success, growing and learning is rapid here. "They're helpful to others and contribute to the good of society. They are also willing to face inner issues and do not have any major learning blocks...At this level self-esteem is high...Willingness is sympathetic and responsive to the needs of others. Willing people are contributors to society. With their capacity to bounce back from adversity and learn from experience, they tend to become self-correcting. Having  let go of Pride, they are willing to let go of their defects and learn from others. At the level of Willingness people become excellent students. They are easily trainable and represent a considerable source of society."

Energy Level 350: Acceptance 
"At this level a major transformation takes place, with the understanding that one is oneself the source and creator of the experience of one's life...All people at levels below 200 tend to be powerless, and see themselves as victims, at the mercy of life. This stems from the belief that the source of one's happiness or the cause of one's problems is 'out there'. An enormous jump at- taking back one's own power- is completed at this level, with the realization that the source of  one's happiness is within oneself. At this more evolved stage, nothing 'out there' has the capacity to make one happy, and love isn't something that is given or taken away by another, but is created from within." This is not to be confused with passivity, which is a symptom of apathy. At the level 350 one is able to "see the whole picture."  People at this level do not discourage diversity.

Energy Level 400: Reason
"Intelligence and rationality rise at the forefront when the emotionalism of the lower levels is transcended. Reason is capable of handling large, complex, amounts of data and making rapid, corrective decisions; of understanding the intricacies of relationships, gradations, and fine destinctions; expert manipulation of symbols as abstract concepts becomes increasingly important...Understanding and information are the main tools of accomplishment...Einstein, Freud, and many of the other great thinkers of history calibrate here." However, the drawback is that reason does not itself provide a guide to truth. "Transcending this level is relatively uncommon in our society."

Energy Level 500: Love
"Love as depicted in mass media is not the level of what this is about. What the world generally refers to as love is an intense emotional condition, combining physical attraction, possessiveness, control, addiction, eroticism, and novelty...The 500 level  is characterized by the development of a Love that is unconditional, unchanging, and permanent. It doesn't fluctuate and it's source is not dependent on external factors. Loving is a state of being. It is a forgiving, nurturing, and supportive way of relating to the world...Love emanates from the heart. It has the capacity to lift others and accomplish great feats because of its purity of motive...Reason deals with particulars, whereas Love deals with entirities. The abilty, often described as intuition, is the capacity for instantaneous understanding without resorting to sequential symbol processing... Love is inclusive...This is the level of true happiness."  However, only .04 of the world's population ever reaches this level of evolution and consciousness.

Energy Level 540: Joy
Once Love becomes more unconditional it begins to be experienced as inner joy. This level is maintained and it is not dependent on externals. "This is the domain of saints, advanced spiritual students and healers...the hallmark of this state is compassion...Individual will merges with Divine will...A Presence is felt whose power facilitates phenomena outside conventional expectations of reality, termed miraculous by the ordinary observer. This is the power of the energy field, not the individual...There is a desire to use one's state of consciousness for the benefit of life itself rather than particular individuals. The capacity to love many people simultaneously is then accompanied by the discovery that the more one loves, the more one can love."

Energy Level 600: Peace
"This energy field is associated with the experience designated by such terms as transcendence, sefl-realization and God-consciousness. It's extremely rare, attained by only 1 in 10 million people...Not uncommon, individuals at this level remove themselves from the world, as the state of bliss precludes ordinary activity. Some become spiritual teachers; others work anonymously for the betterment of mankind. A few become great geniuses in their prospective fields and make a major contribution to society. These people are saintly...although at this level, formal religion is commonly transended, to be replaced by pure spirituality."

Energy Levels 700-1,000: Enlightment
"This is the level of the Great Ones of history who originated the spiritual patterns that countless people have followed throughout the ages. All associated with divinity, which they are often indentified. This is the level of powerful inspiration; these beings set in place attractor energy fields that influence all of mankind. This is the level of the "Great Avatars" such as Lord Krishna, Lord Buddha, and Lord Jesus Christ."

David Hawkins recommends a spiritual practice in order to accelerate the pace of your growth and evolution. By spiritual practice he does not necessarily mean religious practice. Hawkins writes that most teachings from the "The Great Avatars" have been tampered with in order for low energy people to manipulate and control others. David himself wrote, "I lost religion, but I discovered spirituality." I can't tell you what your spiritual practice should be for you. As David and other spiritual teachers say, you can only be given signposts, but there is no particular formula which fits everyone.

I could tell you that if you listen to your intuition it will guide you and also make you aware of the signposts. They are everywhere, but we ignore them or don't see them when we allow ourselves to dwell in lower levels.


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